need advice dealing with alcoholic?

we took him to AA (me+a friend of ours whos sober 4yrs)

just sits there listening quietly

goes home right after, drinks vodka

what the fuck tw, im really worried. how to help him?

He's an alcoholic, what the fuck did you expect him to do? I'm totally serious when I say that the best thing you can do is refer him to someone else. You are selfish, impatient, egotistical, and stupid. He needs someone that is the exact opposite of those things. The saddest thing about this post is that it is not a flame.

I mean seriously- you took him to a meeting and are completely chagrinned that he got drunk afterwards? The absolute best thing you can do for him is to never speak to him again.
maybe hes a nicer guy when hes drunk you selfish piece of shit, triple

did you ever think about that?
you and a friend take him to an "anonymous" support group and observe his behavior

way to directly contradict the concept slugger
my drinking problem has a drinking problem, but I still function, so it's a bit different for me (yeah, everyone says that)

but if your friend really is a raging alcoholic, then there really is nothing you can do for him till he either realises that his life is going down the cess-pit, or he does himself a major mischief and wakes up in a hospital bed and is forced to re-evaluate his options

I mean look at what happened to george best :ugh:
It's been said, but he's gonna have to do it himself, and the only way for him to do that is to hit rock bottom.

I have a good friend who has been battling alcoholism since I've known him, for more than six years or so. Anyhow, we all took turns lecturing him at different points and stuff... he finally had some really serious seizures when he was visiting me (he'd suffered from them at other points as well, these just happened to be worse) and ended up going to the doctors. They told him if he kept it up he'd be dead for sure, and it would only take a couple drinks at this point to cause one. He moved away from his crazy party friends in LA and into a more quiet neighborhood and hasn't been drinking for about 9 months now. He still gets stoned, but I mean, that's not gonna make him seizure or die. I'm pretty proud of him. But yes, it wasn't until he was absolutely literally on the verge of killing himself that he actually stopped.
Here's an idea why don't you keep your fucking word.

If you say you aren't going to post anymore then don't post.

naptown was right.
was going to say "change environment"

does he mention why he likes, or feels compelled to, drink so much?
we took him to AA (me+a friend of ours whos sober 4yrs)

just sits there listening quietly

goes home right after, drinks vodka

what the fuck tw, im really worried. how to help him?

you can't make him want to quit drinking, he has to want to. You can make him dry out, but that doesnt mean he'll stay that way.
The best thing you can do is be there. Make sure he deosn't feel like he has to hide the vodka when you come around. Him resorting to deception and the resulting isolation will rapidly make things worse for him.

Alcoholism is just the visible sign of a deeper issue. You don't get rid of the weed without removing the root, and he needs time and assistance to discover what that root is.

Or at the very least replace the current weed with a less damaging one.

Both of which could take years.