My rep in chart form, Pagy is butthurt edition

It's odd. TW wants to e-knight Lisa. . . until they learn that she occasionally reads TW on my account and she thinks that most are complete nut-job right-wing crazies. I relay that, and the e-knighting dissolves to calling her a skank and a whore. She is neither, but does think the majority of you insane. I don't know where the FedZ threats are going to go, but we did report them.
hehehe +rep thx 4 the laffs u kno nobody at tribalwar gaming news cares. we're the ones who made melania's "idc do u" jacket sell out at the last remaining k-mart in the world

kmart is still alive and well in white atlantis brother

also, just the phrase 'my rep in chart form' gives me strong strong douche chills
i am pretty sure i didn't

15 years ago, Triple was a staunch conservative. On Earth Day, he made a thread about how he was going to keep every light on in his house for the entire day, and throw his garbage next to the receptacle instead of in it. He's since thought about it, read a lot, and gradually changed his mind: he now cares about people outside himself, he's come to realize science is not the enemy, he's not nearly as pompous about his photography. . .the guy now is humble, caring, and interested in the world. . complete turnaround. Why WOULDN'T I rep him?

Triple is the George Wallace of TW.

George Wallace of TW



w00pz luks lykka imma stilla faggetass effemcuckfuk lil pussyass fuccboi fukn l0s3r buuuuut tyall 4 givn me mo slaps cross mah fukin pastyass pussyass teefz n m0ufz cuz imma sucha guuuuuuud GUD lil fuccboi ok tyall 4 lissnin summo fukme
d00 still no him soundn lykkit 2 smdh lol :jester:
i don't think triple deserves the negative rep. his low IQ has made him extremely easily to influence by those around him - he's like a dog. he believed what his parents told him to believe, because they fed him. now some uggo girl feeds him (because he still does not work), and he believes whatever she tells him to believe. sad but a guy has to eat.

triple, fyi, making a rep thread means you are actually the butthurt one.
If I may ask...what type of personality disorder would drive a person to chart their rep of all things...? If you feel the need to chart, chart your poops. I'd venture a guess it would be much more satisfying...