More valuable than silver or gold in a real meltdown...

I think clean water would be the most valuable thing, followed by food, followed by ammo, although ammo and food may be interchangable depending on your personal outlook.

my philosophy is that ammo is primarily useful in the acquisition of food. once you have the food in your stomach, the ammo is temporarily redundant.
i think i've you've got somewhere to put "survival seeds" to use, you're probably already better off than most people would be in a collapse of civilization.

i can't think of many places i'd rather be than where i'm living now if some kind of apocalypse scenario happened. clean water in the streams(my town's water actually comes from a river about 5 miles up the road from my house), abundant fish and game, and a fairly small population.
I just watched "The Road". I thought it was pretty good. I wish it was more gory or graphic but it wasn't a bad post-apocalypse type film
we are going to hold the chinese and russians midland when they come. we have stockpiles of ammunition and are prepared for that eventuality.

there's not much more than faith in god that will really help you, even our water supply is likely to be polluted
we are going to hold the chinese and russians midland when they come. we have stockpiles of ammunition and are prepared for that eventuality.

there's not much more than faith in god that will really help you, even our water supply is likely to be polluted

I hope you get raped by a mongolian when this happens.
Where are we all going to get these massive fields of fertile land to grow our gardens after the bombs drop?

we already built highways and infrastructure over all our arable land. when they bomb us and reduce our number, they are actually doing us a favor so we can farm it again.
You're also going to need a plow and a horse, and a security force to keep bandits from stealing your harvest.

These guys will help.
