More valuable than silver or gold in a real meltdown...

I think it is all in how you spin it. Packaging your product with hybrid seeds that have been developed to be disease resistant would cost more and cut into his ginormous profit margin. So instead you vilify the hybrid option making your product appear to be worth more!

Ingenuous! I am taking notes here.
Bulltes> seeds

"you're gonna give me that crop you have out back"

"what no way piss off"


bullets win

Edit: or bottle caps will be worth more :sunny:
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What is this guy doing selling his only supply of seeds? Doesn't he realize that he'll be the richest man alive when the end times come!?
clean water
toilet paper

All potentially more valuable than gold after a global catastrophe.

ammo and clean water, MAYBE batteries, would be considered more valuable post-apocalypse compared to how valuable gold is considered now. toothpaste/soap/toilet paper are things that you'd get used to going without after a month. Batteries would be of limited usefulness, because most things that batteries would power would be useless or barely qualify and frivolous distractions.

of course, post apocalypse, gold will hopefully be considered a lot less valuable than it is now. it's not a worthless substance in any regards, and is useful in several ways based solely on it's elemental properties, but it's not useful to the extent that economic practices have given it inflated value.
clean water
toilet paper

All potentially more valuable than gold after a global catastrophe.

2/6 ain't bad, but why have ammo on the list if you are not going to list the gun as well?
2/6 ain't bad, but why have ammo on the list if you are not going to list the gun as well?

Guns are numerous and reusable, long-lasting and built to be used in harsh conditions.

Ammo is a consumable. Guns are also completely useless without it.

All the things I listed are consumable and relatively difficult to manufacture (except perhaps water). Think about it.
OK. I can see your point. I still wouldn't list toilet paper, soap and minty fresh breath as must-haves in a post apocalyptic world.
ammo and clean water, MAYBE batteries, would be considered more valuable post-apocalypse compared to how valuable gold is considered now. toothpaste/soap/toilet paper are things that you'd get used to going without after a month. Batteries would be of limited usefulness, because most things that batteries would power would be useless or barely qualify and frivolous distractions.

You could live without them, but would you want to? You can actually make soap if you have access to the right ingredients and you know the (now ancient) recipe. People understand how good hygiene is important to the preservation of life, so soap would not immediately fall out of use if there was a way to sustain it without industry.

Likewise, you have to take care of your teeth. You may not have the kind of food options we enjoy now. If you can't chew the cat you just barbequed, you won't live very long.

Toilet paper is pretty obvious. It might be a luxury, which is why it might be worth more than gold.

Batteries are essential for communication and travel. If you have rechargeables and access to some kind of generator -- preferably hand crank or bicycle -- then you'll be in good shape. You need communication to organize raids, cover defensive positions, call for help, etc. Hand signs and shouts will only get you so far. You can also expect GPS to still be operational. I don't need to tell you how useful that is for navigation.

Books/knowledge would obviously be insanely critical for the rebuild phase, depending on the level of devastation.