More valuable than silver or gold in a real meltdown...

This type of scenario always intrigued me. What if the dependencies of our interconnected society were cut. How would we survive?

It may have been an OK TV show, but that is why I liked Jericho.
it's pretty dumb to even talk about an actual apocalyptic scenario, because basically all bets are off at that point. it doesn't matter how much planning or stockpiling you did, because you'd still be completely fucked if society collapsed indefinitely. it's not unreasonable to stockpile a few weeks of food and basic supplies, but to think that you could realistically survive a total societal breakdown is pretty loltastic. real life is not fallout 3.

and the point of owning gold isn't to survive the apocalypse, it's to survive a collapse of the currency/hyperinflation without having all your savings wiped out. everyone has a vested interest in society continuing to function. total apocalyptic anarchy breaking out is much, much less likely than hyperinflation simply destroying peoples' savings.
it's pretty dumb to even talk about an actual apocalyptic scenario, because basically all bets are off at that point. it doesn't matter how much planning or stockpiling you did, because you'd still be completely fucked if society collapsed indefinitely. it's not unreasonable to stockpile a few weeks of food and basic supplies, but to think that you could realistically survive a total societal breakdown is pretty loltastic. real life is not fallout 3.

and the point of owning gold isn't to survive the apocalypse, it's to survive a collapse of the currency/hyperinflation without having all your savings wiped out. everyone has a vested interest in society continuing to function. total apocalyptic anarchy breaking out is much, much less likely than hyperinflation simply destroying peoples' savings.

It's extremely academic, but that's why it's so much fun. :sunny:
I was watching a show the other day about the last ice age. They were talking about how man back in those days were a nomadic species and could easily adapt to the changing world. With ice sheets advancing southward, they could easily pickup and move to another valley and continue to live out their lives as normal.

Not so in this day in age. Our skill sets have become so specialized and interdependent that if something on a global scale rocked that boat, 95% of us would probably die off.
No doubt a lot of humanity would die off, but I think the numbers are a little more optimistic than 95%. Maybe it's 95% of the developed world, but consider that a lot of humans already survive in primitive conditions... raising their own livestock and growing their own food. It's probably closer to 50% or 75% of the total world population. Which is billions of people, but still plenty for the species to recover.

There's definitely a tipping point though. If we get a major impact event or a supervolcano and suffer sustained ice age conditions from it... we could be looking at total species extinction. No sun, no crops, no complex life.
Hey, I'm an American, therefore nothing outside of America counts. I was just thinking that it would be 95% of us lazy fat-assed Americans that would die off!

Alcohol needs to be on that list.

Also, no one needs TP. You shit in a hole and wipe your ass with leaves/grass. Then you scrub your asshole clean every time it rains.
$149 Until We Run Out!

If people are really that stupid to buy this for that much, I'll head down to my local Wal-Mart right now and buy all kinds of seeds, stick them into capped PVC pipe, slap on an awesome label on the pipe and sell them too!
So you're gonna hand pump clean water from your personal stash just to wash your asshole?

You're not really thinking this through.
Yeah, wait until you accidentally wipe your ass with poison oak because :lol: WHO NEEDS TOILET PAPER AMIRITE?

Let me know how many paper mills are operating after the apocalypse.

simple use rocks, or pine needles, and poison oak is very identifiable