[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Why do you think everything needs to be controlled by government? You just don't understand what "responsibility" means do you?

what the hell does this braincel rambling have to do with the republicans putting an end to "FACTS" in news reporting?

We need more Republicans in the senate and congress to start acting this way. Stand up to these global socialist and strongly call out their biases and lies.

Tucker Carlson is about the only talking head that is right-on pro America. He is not all about the current President, he's about the national future of our country. I'm rarely disappointed by him although he could be a little more informed... but then they wouldn't let him on the TV heh
At least he asked the ? "Who are we in the middle east for?"
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We need more Republicans in the senate and congress to start acting this way. Stand up to these global socialist and strongly call out their biases and lies.

Tucker Carlson is about the only talking head that is right-on pro America. He is not all about the current President, he's about the national future of our country. I'm rarely disappointed by him although he could be a little more informed... but then they wouldn't let him on the TV heh
At least he asked the ? "Who are we in the middle east for?"


Tucker, Wallace, and Baier are the only ones i like to watch on foxnews.
Or that at 96% reporting (after almost 72 hours lol) Buttigieg is still in the lead in Iowa. I wonder how they used to calculate results in the olden days of 2016.
Well these global entry/trusted traveler people are going to be pissed. I'm pretty sure sanctuary cities aren't going to last long if people of NY get this taken away... business will slow down. Fuctk, this is probably coming to California I would think... that will fuck me up by turning my 10 minute cross time to 3 hours.

Good let them cry. It's their fault. Great! Sanctuary bs is just that. BS. Fuck em. Correct. Cali next. People like you being inconvenienced is a far less important than the security of the Republic.
Good let them cry. It's their fault. Great! Sanctuary bs is just that. BS. Fuck em. Correct. Cali next. People like you being inconvenienced is a far less important than the security of the Republic.

BTW I agree
I hope they come down as hard as they can on sanctuary cities. If it means it cost me something so be it. I don't care if tariffs cost me, I don't care if my sentri pass into California is denied because of their fucked up policies...
Do the Right Thing
that reminds me it's time to renew my global entry, good thing i can sneak in for the next 5 years before the trump reee's about it