[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Looks like I missed a good meme/cartoon circle jerk this morning.

I’d love for those posters, fool is the only one I can remember, that have talked about coequal branches of government and saying that ignoring the judicial side of things by not letting Trump stall everything with years long appeals (their stance is disingenuous and they know it) is wrong... I’d love for them to chime in on this:

Senate juror Mitch McConnell brags that he’s coordinating Trump’s impeachment trial with White House | Salon.com

This is indefensible and yet you guys will somehow try and defend it. Your reasoning will be something retarded like it was a smear from day one and so that makes this OK. Or some stupid bullshit.

The GOP is an absolute disgrace to the history of our country.
This is indefensible and yet you guys will somehow try and defend it. Your reasoning will be something retarded like it was a smear from day one and so that makes this OK. Or some stupid bullshit.

The GOP is an absolute disgrace to the history of our country.

Protip: People like you had better hope and pray the Senate tosses the dems bs in the trash straight away and there is no trial. If there is a trial boy oh boy. :lol:
Yeah, that’s why various GOP politicians are trying to convince Trump not to hold a trial because they’re worried it’s going to damage him even further.

God damn you guys are fucking dumber than dirt.
I'm still waiting to hear exactly how I was being disingenuous, not to mention you haven't paid me yet. At least triple put in some effort.
It’s so on brand that you guys keep posting that as though I’m sitting here smarting about the reply when any objective observer would agree with me that you guys just come off as complete dumbshits.
Yeah, that’s why various GOP politicians are trying to convince Trump not to hold a trial because they’re worried it’s going to damage him even further.

God damn you guys are fucking dumber than dirt.

Actually several WANT him to have a trial so they can have the treasonous dems testify. Your kind doesn't want that. Cause if so then you will have to come to terms with the fact us "fucking dumber than dirt" guys were spot on with their analysis all these years.

EDIT: BTW Jim Beam and I made a $100 bet years ago. He lost yet held true to his word. Prob because he, unlike you, is a man.
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I'm still waiting to hear exactly how I was being disingenuous, not to mention you haven't paid me yet. At least triple put in some effort.

You’re being disingenuous because you know that with the way the judicial system is set up Trump could literally appeal for years, maybe even longer than a decade. Again, as I said, Adam Schiff addressed this when announcing the articles of impeachment. A seasoned prosecutor who knows more about the law than you ever will.
Actually several WANT him to have a trial so they can have the treasonous dems testify. Your kind doesn't want that. Cause if so then you will have to come to terms with the fact us "fucking dumber than dirt" guys were spot on with their analysis all these years.

Several may be publicly saying that for the cameras at FoxNews but there is a reason that privately people are urging him not to. Can’t wait until there’s no trial with witnesses because of what I just said. You’ll of course do a bunch of mental gymnastics to explain why it didn’t actually happen.
Several may be publicly saying that for the cameras at FoxNews but there is a reason that privately people are urging him not to. Can’t wait until there’s no trial with witnesses because of what I just said. You’ll of course do a bunch of mental gymnastics to explain why it didn’t actually happen.

Nigger I scooped the media and bitch slapped the FB_I and the C_A at the same fucking time as confirmed by the IG. I do not need your political input in the least. I'm only speaking to you because I genuinely feel bad for you. I mean seriously. You suck at politics almost as bad as you suck at paying what you owe.

I would end with suck my dick but I like men so that counts you out. Men pay what they owe. You. Not so much.
You’re being disingenuous because you know that with the way the judicial system is set up Trump could literally appeal for years, maybe even longer than a decade. Again, as I said, Adam Schiff addressed this when announcing the articles of impeachment. A seasoned prosecutor who knows more about the law than you ever will.

There's nothing disingenuous about that. Circumventing the fucking constitution because something might happen isn't how our government works. That is unquestionable abuse to prevent possible abuse assuming the judiciary rules in your favor to begin with.

"Damn the means" is now the slogan of the democratic party.
well we know lefties are idiots

they think that instead of co-equal branches of gvt, Congress has all the power and the others need to do as they say / demand

yeah, thats exactly how civics and the Constitution works :lol:
There's nothing disingenuous about that. Circumventing the fucking constitution because something might happen isn't how our government works. That is unquestionable abuse to prevent possible abuse assuming the judiciary rules in your favor to begin with.

"Damn the means" is now the slogan of the democratic party.

The best thing about everything you just wrote is that the impeachment process doesn’t require the house to go through the judicial branch. It’s literally against the law, black and white language, to not comply with a subpoena. They literally, literally, made up something called absolute immunity to try and get around it. But, because we have to live in a world with disingenuous people like you, we have to go through an abused process to show them they are wrong.

The slogan of the Republican Party is probably something in Russian about being as unethical and immoral as you can humanly get.