[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

the part that bothered me the most is watching the dindu welfare army on the streets while the shooting was going on

i mean it was a war zone and they are loitering with their obamaphones screaming like banshees

all of them were trying to get in on the action and media publicity

the entire state might as well change it's motto to "WORLDSTAR" at this point


I don't even click on the MSM links anymore...

Less clicks.. less reporting.
i hope that uppity bitch gets the slammer.

some other judge in cincinnati got arrested and it made the news because she was black and played the race card.
damn, that's the court house i had to go to to have my marijuana possession case heard that ultimately ruined my future in the army which in turn made my international studies degree completely useless. i was gonna go to monterey bay for foreign language training and wanted to work at an embassy.

glad to hear all these asshole judges are shoving champagne up each others asses while they crush the futures of regular people over $10 in weed.

if she was there then she would have given you a blowy joey though

i mean that would have almost made it all worth while.......

dang man monterey bay real nice......and now weed is being legalized everywhere

justice system is true meat grinding wood chipper

I really do believe that those criminal violations should be removed from peoples records at this point

absolute travesty

I don't even click on the MSM links anymore...

Less clicks.. less reporting.

there some good ones let me see what i can find with quick search and will post and edit here as I find em

Breaking911 on Twitter:

best vid above

Agenda-Free TV on Twitter:

Breaking911 on Twitter:

even #1 trump tds hater on twitter wondering wtf they are doing here

It’s extremely disconcerting to me that people and the media crowd around the police tape lines like this is some type of exciting spectator event for cell phone video and media commentary when they should be running for cover for their lives.



Eugene Gu, MD on Twitter:

biggest victim best paid

and winner in USA now

people want to be hit by flying bullets to have something to live for or purpose again is my guess
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i mean it doesn't get any better than this right here

this sums up our entire country in one article

we did shady and illegal shit........got called on it.......now I'm the victim

’Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett sues Chicago for ‘malicious prosecution’ in hate crime case - The Washington Post

i mean we either get strict on them

or they going to take us over

choice is simple and easy imo

what needs to be done?

Well, first of all, whoever posted that dumb post about him and his buddies sucking each other off in the woods while they shoot guns and no one dying a page back has the usual stance.. we can’t do anything whatsoever because guns aren’t the problem, people are.

I didn’t say take away everyone’s guns. I said gun control. Try some new ideas since little has been done and whatever is being done isn’t working. Personally, I don’t believe the people who wrote the 2nd amendment had it in mind that citizens needed AR-15s w/ 100 round drum mags or whatever ridiculous shit exists these days.

Perhaps more comprehensive background checks, longer waiting periods, stricter laws, etc. but no.. we’re just not gonna try anything because some state has lots of gun violence and strict laws.

I always think of that country singer who changed his stance based on the Vegas shooting because he was there and he was like wow holy shit one guy is killing dozens of people and we can do nothing about it.