[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

At the time I supported it because I was naive enough to believe what I was being sold. I no longer hold that position. It was a total sham, and I now hold skepticism first as a general rule.

I don't know what that has to do with Kashoggi, a non-American who was murdered in another country by another country. It literally has nothing to do with America. It's a bizarre story that somehow propagates the notion that "journalists" are somehow more valuable than run of the mill people, that any association with America somehow should provide safety in the world, and that America is somehow responsible for protecting all of humanity in a single story. It's bafflingly irrational.
I cannot understand that mindset, but am not surprised to see you propounding it. If you don't care about it, why respond to the accusations? I believe Turkish intelligence, and no one has said their recording and cc captures are lying.

Did you support the first Iraq war?


I know it is a holiday, but you're pretty much the last of your kind left.

I don't know what it's like remembering Aestis, Stone, and Musashi but if it helps I recall all of them fondly.

Yeah, you sure do care enough to strap on some boots an go sweat and bleed for those people....

See above a prime example of a liberal... they care enough to the point they can force someone else to do their bidding but not themselves...
Usually these videos are long and ramble on, but this one is to the point.

In this example, Socialism works because it's being done at a city level and everyone is paying in. That's why it works in small countries that don't have to fund a big military. Socialism fails when people sponge off the gubiment, and dictators take all the money at a national level. At a city level, all your stuff is being provided (Police, Firefighters, EMS, Water, garbage pickup), BUT everyone pays as they use it. At a national level, there's free loaders with the democratic candidates saying everything will be provided for free (health care, college, free money).

By the way, in this small town of Baldwin FL, there's a Winn Dixie 8.4 miles away, and 15 miles away are Publix, Aldi, and Save-A-Lot. That's what these people want, is a Publix, that's where I shop (clean stores).
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progressive scum / losers still havent figured out that they could have used all that time to make their lives (and others) better


Morbidly obese former tribes player dutch seems to be really thirsty for my attention. I wonder what's up with that.