[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Im trying to figure out why we are supposed to be arch enemies of Russia at this point?
The cold war is over, as far as i know we aren't at war with them anywhere.
And why are we still 'enemies' of Cuba?

Is it our destiny to carry on the wars of our grandfathers?
Im trying to figure out why we are supposed to be arch enemies of Russia at this point?
The cold war is over, as far as i know we aren't at war with them anywhere.
And why are we still 'enemies' of Cuba?

Is it our destiny to carry on the wars of our grandfathers?

we are no longer fighting the commies in USSR

so our resident commies are all pissed about what they have become (a white ethnostate)


I mean this is legit what NYT looks like right now


all of the media most upset about today stems from

why these are the new policies of the reformed DNC

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“Interference with the domestic affairs of the United States -- do you really believe that someone acting from the Russian territory could have influenced the United States and influenced the choice of millions of Americans?” Putin said. “This is utterly ridiculous.”

Do you? I don't.
One has to ask if we are that susceptible and Russia hates us that much... how come we are not Russia already? Because of Obama safeguards? :rofl:
When has the UN never not been the global christening to allow the US to do exactly what it fucking wants with its ridiculous military power? The UN is the US/Israeli MIC, wrapped up in a neat bow to make it look like something else.

no argument there man

but turning our back to the EU/UN is A-ok by me

I am upset we ever fought any war for them......LEAGUE OF NATIONS whatevs

we shed so much blood for them already

i mean our relationship with France has always been worse than Japan (in my lifetime) and we bailed them out of 2 world wars and dropped two atomic bombs on the other

times change so do relationship status
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Who can't relate to that comment? :lol:

He added: “I don't want to insult President Trump when I say this -- and I may come as rude -- but before he announced that he will run for presidency, he was of no interest for us.”

“He was a rich person, but, well, there's plenty of rich persons in the United States,” Putin said of Trump. “He was in the construction business. He organized the beauty pageants. But no, it would never occur to anyone that he would think of running for president.”

Putin, in Fox News interview, denies having dirt on Trump, calls meddling charge 'utterly ridiculous' | Fox News
Im trying to figure out why we are supposed to be arch enemies of Russia at this point?
The cold war is over, as far as i know we aren't at war with them anywhere.
And why are we still 'enemies' of Cuba?

Is it our destiny to carry on the wars of our grandfathers?

Annexed crimea breaking international law
Covert warfare in ukraine and they supplied the missle to the rebels that shot down that malaysian airline plane
Computer espionage, manipulation, fake news and propaganda to influence elections in foreign states including the US
Continual support of iran
Russian nervegas was used in attempted assassination of a former double agent on british soil

Thats only since 2014 though

And since the US loves being world police these are good reasons to be pissed off at russia
I didn't say we open arm them.. but no reason to get all hostile for no good reason

So getting hostile with Europe because "they are spiraling" is ok but getting super friendly with Russia is good because... ? I even said I'm for warming relations with Russia, not increasing hostilities.

You are a smart guy.. you can handle the task and decide on your own

I'm asking you to defend your statements - I'm not making your argument for you. That would make me a putz on the order of Donald Trump today.

as a reasonable dude u get a reasonable response

between the pipelines from Russia, them not wanting to put sanctions against Iran, them doing deals like this with China

EU, China seek closer ties as US turns against trade

That's entirely a result of Trump's actions. It's not like Trump hasn't been on a trade war tear for the last few months that might cause something like this to happen.

it is about time to see where old allegiances remain.

I dunno man, given the most recent developments it sure seems like it is a burning of bridges.

Trump is saying that Russia is not our enemy.....they are our competitor

that this is more of a game and competition than good vs. evil

It's about power, it's always about power, and these decisions are poised to cost the US and Europe by creating economic turmoil. While on its own that might not be that big of a deal and *might* be necessary if the US is truly getting the shaft on the world stage (hint: it is not, the US dollar is the world's reserve currency ffs), beginning to tear down the biggest geopolitical and economic alliance in the world can only be beneficial to the next in line. And Trump seemingly rubber stamped that today.

As is the entire alliance that China/Russia/Iran/etc are building against our Petro-Dollar called BRICS

So let's hand them an immense amount of power by weakening the dollar?

that is what this trade war is about......that is what the proxy wars are about.......that is what all of this is about. Trump is pushing the issue because the debt is beyond a problem. If you are going to burn us burn us now he is saying. No point in doing what we do while you actively work against us and behind our back.

The debt was not, is not, and will never be a problem for a sovereign currency in a productive society, something I've talked about with you on many different occasions. The problem is always the misallocation of resources caused by government spending. The blank check the US government writes against the world won't be nearly as effective if the US dollar stops being the world reserve currency, which these actions are likely to help destabilize. And hell, for the long term good of the world, maybe that's a positive thing. But objectively here and now, the guy who is supposed to represent the interests of the US above any and all else, I do not think so in the least.
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Annexed crimea breaking international law
Covert warfare in ukraine and they supplied the missle to the rebels that shot down that malaysian airline plane
Computer espionage, manipulation, fake news and propaganda to influence elections in foreign states including the US
Continual support of iran
Russian nervegas was used in attempted assassination of a former double agent on british soil

Thats only since 2014 though

Should we compile a list of American transgressions we committed following our own interests?
I think what is insane is that a lot of Americans care more about the fact Russia hacked a server than the fact a political party in our own country fixed a primary and colluded with the media to fix an election.

Who with any brains doesn't understand that foreign intelligence agencies, particularly Russia and China are doing this all the time? Grow up. If some American had hacked the DNC would that make the information any less real?

Also China is the #1 adversary to the U.S.

Meanwhile Germany is building a gas pipeline with Russia, so who are we protecting them against?

Oh my fucking god this. Ascotia Vanster Triple... any lib out there? Does this not ring true to you idiots? And not only do all foreign governments with the capability do it, we United States of America also do it. Or should I say the Deep state does it under our name and I'm not sure we should the meddling as much as we do just intelligence-gathering is all we should be doing.
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Annexed crimea breaking international law
Covert warfare in ukraine and they supplied the missle to the rebels that shot down that malaysian airline plane
Computer espionage, manipulation, fake news and propaganda to influence elections in foreign states including the US
Continual support of iran
Russian nervegas was used in attempted assassination of a former double agent on british soil

Thats only since 2014 though

And since the US loves being world police these are good reasons to be pissed off at russia

until you consider any of our own actions this decade or any other

there is some pretty good laughs to be had at us arming the mujaheddin to overthrow Russians in Afghanistan, boycotting the Olympics in the 80's, but suddenly being outraged that they do the inverse to us now (in the same country now that roles are reversed)

crying about Ukraine or Syria right now......either of our actions or agendas

i mean i get it......there is sound one sided justification for animosity toward anyone competing with your monopoly on both the world currency reserve status and military supremacy

we are the two largest arms dealers in the world

the reality of that plus our abysmal abusive trade deals are all coming to fruition and fast

scaling that back until we get into a fight directly sounds like a good idea to me

Russian toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded: sources
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Should we compile a list of American transgressions we committed following our own interests?

I doubt any broke international law though. Did you suddenly start to think ˋhuh, Russia ans Putin aint so badˋ just because Trump had a brief meeting with him and they basically exchanged pleasantries?
I doubt any broke international law though. Did you suddenly start to think ˋhuh, Russia ans Putin aint so badˋ just because Trump had a brief meeting with him and they basically exchanged pleasantries?

:lol: Triggered. America has broken international law. Water boarding for 1?

Get back to me when you are rational
im not surprised you want to be best friends with russia because msm said russia is bad.

honestly some of you are just as infantile as the libtards
That's entirely a result of Trump's actions. It's not like Trump hasn't been on a trade war tear for the last few months that might cause something like this to happen.

Us getting fucked is not Trump's action.....it was the status quo

We are running huge trade deficits with all of our "allies" while somehow sanctioning and cutting off our "enemies"

meanwhile our "allies" are getting cheap fuel and products from our "alleged" enemies and expecting us to just keep doing business as usual with them on deals that primarily only benefit them.

that is absolute bullshit man......you know it i know it. Trump knows it

Trump says he doesn't want any trade tariffs or barriers. That his goal is to drop all of this and it only escalates because he says he will balance the deficit one way or the other. Either through tariffs or deal rearrangements. Our allies and buddies aren't willing to compromise as we can see at the G7 Summit.....whereas our enemies are willing to sit down again.

All they have to do is drop their trade tariffs on us and we will do the same. They refuse.....demand a one sided benefit.......or will continue to try to punish us. So he returns the favor. Bold strategy, that might be a blunder, but better than bending over since we can't do that forever.

So let's hand them an immense amount of power by weakening the dollar?

that isn't Trumps doing either

There Is Now Officially 3 Times More Debt In The World Than Money

that is the reality of the situation. why the interest on our debt is going up and why inflation is starting to gain a strangelhold @ 6% all of a sudden

CBO: Consequences of a Growing National Debt | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

we can't keep on our current trajectory

people say that this is Armageddon but even it isn't enough

it isn't even beginning to touch our real problems or exploding cost overruns