[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Europe is quickly spiraling out of control with the UK right behind them. Russia is not a threat. Russia and the US share similar interests at the moment. Not a bad idea to not let a few things blown up to the point of lunacy get in the way
instead of standing roadside

he now sits computer side cheering on the theft

the robin hood strategy of the left

this whole robin hood thing the left loves to portray as taking from the rich and giving to the poor:

-the rich are the gvt (prince john)
-the poor were taxed to death (aka over-taxation)

i bet their heads would explode if they realized they are cheering for conservative principles
this whole robin hood thing the left loves to portray as taking from the rich and giving to the poor:

-the rich are the gvt (prince john)
-the poor were taxed to death (aka over-taxation)

i bet their heads would explode if they realized they are cheering for conservative principles




cancer for that cure

it will work next time for sure

be real communism next time 4 real

little do they realize that prince john is bernie in this scenario

that castle was located near his 3rd lake house
If you guys could stop mentally masturbating clu for a moment...

So now that I've had some time to catch up on what actually happened today, I think pretty objectively Trump looked like an epic fool. And this wasn't just one of his typical blunders, after being hard on Europe he looked like a complete patsy on Russia.

I can't find an exact youtube vid, but one of the reporters gave Putin a question like "do you have any damning evidence on Trump?" and he rambled on for like 2 minutes without giving a yes/no answer to a yes/no question, and Trump said something equally ridiculous to the effect of "if it existed it would have already been released" directly implying that it could exist rather than simply denying its existence. No one should be dumb enough to believe that a bargaining chip that could either embarrass Trump or completely change global politics would be sacrificed just to embarrass Trump.

He was incredibly over-defensive about Russian meddling as if it automatically imputes blame on his campaign - which is partially the fault of the left-wing media epically blowing that shit out of proportion for so long, but there just stinks way too much of a dog and pony show to make Russia out to be some innocent pretty princess in everything while just after blasting the fuck out of Europe.

I'm all about reasonably warming relations with Russia, but this does not seem to be reasonable, and doing it at the cost of freezing relations with Europe seems asinine and feels highly machinated.

honestly, from my standpoint, from my reasoning, from my opinion......the EU/UN is more of a threat and problem to the US than Russia atm

both in regards to getting us into more bullshit fake wars......trade......to what the EU/UN stands for and how much of the share we pay for NATO


Police ‘have grainy CCTV’ of Russian spooks who carried out Novichok attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter

wag wag wag the fucking dog each and every single day

At some point I wouldn't just begin questioning our relationship but re-evaluating the terms and conditions of it........before we go down the rabbit hole with them.

when your enemies behave better than your friends.....it is time to get new friends in my mind





you are a beyond reasonable dude......i enjoy all your replies and responses so I am open to why and how I shouldn't feel that way right now
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Europe is quickly spiraling out of control with the UK right behind them.

That's not a reason to disown them. If they are making mistakes, then they are mistakes for Europe to make. The worst affect they'd likely have on the US is falling in economic power as a trading partner. Compounding that to get the ball rolling faster doesn't seem wise?

Russia is not a threat.

Russia may not be threatening, but I don't see how you can say they are not a threat. The geopolitics of Russia are typically diametrically opposed to the US. Have you heard of Syria or Iran to start?

Russia and the US share similar interests at the moment. Not a bad idea to not let a few things blown up to the point of lunacy get in the way

Both of those statements require some significant exposition.
Also get back to me when America quits state sponsored interference with foreign elections

they sure mad about them wikileaks exposing private emails

Panama Papers - Wikipedia

Putin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called Western reporting of the Panama Papers "Putinophobia", said that they target Putin and are part of a conspiracy against Russia orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of State and others.[223][224][225][226]

not so much on them panama papers

it is like only one side is allowed to play certain games
I've said it better and I'll say it again, Trump isn't a true lifelong Republican because he registered as a Democrat at some point in his life therefore he isn't pure.
honestly, from my standpoint, from my reasoning, from my opinion......the EU/UN is more of a threat and problem to the US than Russia atm

both in regards to getting us into more bullshit fake wars......trade......to what the EU/UN stands for and how much of the share we pay for NATO

When has the UN never not been the global christening to allow the US to do exactly what it fucking wants with its ridiculous military power? The UN is the US/Israeli MIC, wrapped up in a neat bow to make it look like something else.
That's not a reason to disown them. If they are making mistakes, then they are mistakes for Europe to make. The worst affect they'd likely have on the US is falling in economic power as a trading partner. Compounding that to get the ball rolling faster doesn't seem wise?

No but it is good reason to proceed with caution

Russia may not be threatening, but I don't see how you can say they are not a threat. The geopolitics of Russia are typically diametrically opposed to the US. Have you heard of Syria or Iran to start?

I didn't say we open arm them.. but no reason to get all hostile for no good reason

Both of those statements require some significant exposition.

You are a smart guy.. you can handle the task and decide on your own
That's not a reason to disown them. If they are making mistakes, then they are mistakes for Europe to make. The worst affect they'd likely have on the US is falling in economic power as a trading partner. Compounding that to get the ball rolling faster doesn't seem wise?

Russia may not be threatening, but I don't see how you can say they are not a threat. The geopolitics of Russia are typically diametrically opposed to the US. Have you heard of Syria or Iran to start?

Both of those statements require some significant exposition.

as a reasonable dude u get a reasonable response

between the pipelines from Russia, them not wanting to put sanctions against Iran, them doing deals like this with China

EU, China seek closer ties as US turns against trade

it is about time to see where old allegiances remain.

Trump is saying that Russia is not our enemy.....they are our competitor

that this is more of a game and competition than good vs. evil

As is the entire alliance that China/Russia/Iran/etc are building against our Petro-Dollar called BRICS

BRICS - Wikipedia

that is what this trade war is about......that is what the proxy wars are about.......that is what all of this is about. Trump is pushing the issue because the debt is beyond a problem. If you are going to burn us burn us now he is saying. No point in doing what we do while you actively work against us and behind our back.