[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

supz yallz yus wantn yall 2 no wutta massiv fukn cuckfuk lil pussyass noodlyarmd fukn l0s3r i m ok n i supadupa njoy takn slaps rite dafuq cross mah pastyass lil pussyass teefz n m0uf 2 ok tyall 4 lissnin summo
d00 no him still soundn lykkit 2 smdh lol :jester:
At the Helsinki conference I thought that Putin was going to come across the stage from his podium and hug Trump.

We can't blame all of our problems on them, and I'm not sure if some of them are really even our problems.

It super MAGA today, with even some maga in the shade.
It's confounding to me how anyone can watch Trump's performance today at the Putin summit and not at least question where his loyalties lie, especially on the heels of him ripping new assholes for the EU, NATO and the UK.

Do you guys have any doubt in your mind about him whatsoever? We're not talking about him banging strippers here, we're talking about ongoing collusion with our #1 foreign adversary. Are you really not concerned?

Fuck the EU
Fuck the UK

They've caused us nothing but misery and expenses. I'd rather form guarded relations with Russia. Thomas Jefferson had it right and we should never have gone over there starting at World War 1.
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What a bunch of fucking Commies. Love it or leave it, fuckers. Love it or leave it.


The real communist threat that people need to wake up to before it's too late, some say it already is.

not this


and this is the greatest threat to Europe, not Russia.


and who's responsible for the African invasion of Europe?

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Russia has a similar GDP to New York City. Real boogeyman adversary there. US spends like 13 times more on the military every year compared to Russia. Missile gap. Fighter gap. Cyber gap.

Military budget isn't equivalent to military capability. Russia and America have the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, Trump himself made emphasis of that today. Each country has the capacity for mutually assured destruction. Both countries have worked feverishly to develop delivery systems that can evade missile defense systems since the "end" of the Cold War, and these missile defense systems are already notoriously prone to failure. Earlier this year, Putin was touting his underwater nuclear "torpedoes" that could target coastal US cities. He also had a military propaganda video which showed their new missile technology targeting Florida.

There is no gap in nuclear capability. There is no meaningful missile gap. I'll give you the fighter gap (although the MiG-35 is formidable), but what makes you so confident there is a cyber gap in the US's favor? I'd make the argument that we're getting our ass kicked in cyber due to Russia's no-holds-barred approach to it.
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It's confounding to me how anyone can watch Trump's performance today at the Putin summit and not at least question where his loyalties lie, especially on the heels of him ripping new assholes for the EU, NATO and the UK.

Do you guys have any doubt in your mind about him whatsoever? We're not talking about him banging strippers here, we're talking about ongoing collusion with our #1 foreign adversary. Are you really not concerned?


collusion like uranium 1?

anyway, so you think that having the EU pay their fair share for their defense is ripping them a new one?

well isnt that a switch; normally you and your ilk are all about people paying their fair share. and when you think about it, it's actually insulting to russia the way he went about it -thats who NATO was designed to confront.

why are you guys so poorly educated and easily duped?
I think what is insane is that a lot of Americans care more about the fact Russia hacked a server than the fact a political party in our own country fixed a primary and colluded with the media to fix an election.

Who with any brains doesn't understand that foreign intelligence agencies, particularly Russia and China are doing this all the time? Grow up. If some American had hacked the DNC would that make the information any less real?

Also China is the #1 adversary to the U.S.

Meanwhile Germany is building a gas pipeline with Russia, so who are we protecting them against?
why are you guys so poorly educated and easily duped?

Nothing out of aScotia's mouth makes any sense to me.

He ran around this forum screaming like Chicken Little that Trump was going to start WW3 with NORTH KOREA over all his hot tweets and shit talking......


Now we have reached agreements and aScotia says we gave Kim too much, that we are now Kim's little bitch, simply because we are no longer doing military training exercises with South Korea, no longer trying to troll Kim into firing off more missiles over Japan......no longer pushing one another deeper and faster into an unprovoked war as the John Bolton's would have loved to see.


That somehow an agreement, even if just on paper, just through words, a measurable deesculation, is somehow a BAD THING.......


Which is it? Both......at same time......Uhh ok :nuts:

Thanks aScotia for the clarification.

On to Russia........His last post, just one post up, says Russia can kill us. Russia has the ability to take us off the Map. Russia is the bad guy. Trump is going to get us killed by Russia and we are going to die in another fiery WW3.

But also.......Trump has allegiances and priorities to Putin and that is bad.

We are getting "TOO FRIENDLY" with our enemy who can kill us

That we are becoming more friendly to Putin and Russia than we are to our old allies like in the UK......uhhhhhhhhhhhh despite Trump just meeting with them before this. Him hanging out with the FUCKING QUEEN herself.

I mean let us not consider the literal textbook definition of friendship. Where you do more for others than they do for you. Whereas in the case of trade we are getting fucked. In the case of NATO we pay far more than we should to defend them. They don't pay nearly enough. And as Trump just illustrated with MERKEL for what?

So they can buy cheap surplus fuel from Russia while we sanction the hell out of them?

The Russian pipeline to Germany that Trump is so mad about, explained

Yeah......that isn't friendship. That is usury. That is an abuse of our relationship. That is a one way friendship called a betrayal. Us paying money to protect you while you buy from the enemy isn't really working out anymore. Pay more money or we stop wasting our time and money is all Trump is saying here.

After Trump pushed NATO members to spend more, Lockheed doubles production as orders “explode”

And guess what?

France will meet NATO defense spending goal by 2024

It is working.....

Sorry aScotia......you want this both ways........but you are also getting it. It is just too bad you can't read past the neocon distortions, the fake news, the zionist agenda and propaganda pieces you subscribe to. To see the world that is actually happening in front of you as they instead tug at your heart strings over children from Mexico you didn't give a fuck all about for decades before now.

But suddenly feel a kind of outrage for and over as long as the political expediency is still there
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Keep your friends closer and your enemies closer......

especially when your friends now behave worse than your enemies

and your enemies are described as our largest competitors in the fields of military defense and energy at the moment
Military budget isn't equivalent to military capability. Russia and America have the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, Trump himself made emphasis of that today. Each country has the capacity for mutually assured destruction. Both countries have worked feverishly to develop delivery systems that can evade missile defense systems since the "end" of the Cold War, and these missile defense systems are already notoriously prone to failure. Earlier this year, Putin was touting his underwater nuclear "torpedoes" that could target coastal US cities. He also had a military propaganda video which showed their new missile technology targeting Florida.

There is no gap in nuclear capability. There is no meaningful missile gap. I'll give you the fighter gap (although the MiG-35 is formidable), but what makes you so confident there is a cyber gap in the US's favor? I'd make the argument that we're getting our ass kicked in cyber due to Russia's no-holds-barred approach to it.

How inept is America that a peanut country like Russia with no industry to speak of, with a GDP equivalent to Spain's, a fraction of the military budget of the US, practically no force projection capability outside of nuclear weapons can be your "top adversary"? Just listen to yourself. Cut it with the TDS. I dropped a few historical references there. During the Cold War, there was a supposed "missile gap" which turned out to be bullshit by the MIC. Recently there was the supposed "fighter gap", more bullshit. And now apparently the Russian Federation has a megasophisticated cyberwarfare capability. Why can't Americans keep up?
Just listen to yourself. Cut it with the TDS.

that's not likely to happen, even if we proved without a shadow of a doubt that the whole russian collusion thing was an insurance policy in case trump won to start a coup within the deep state.

-Romney warns Obama about Russia

-Obama ignores Romney, laughs at him

-Obama tells Intel Offices to ignore Russian in 2016 because Hillary will win (Can't stain his presidency)

-Clinton Cabal dummies up phony dossier, dragging russia further into the mess

-FBI/Comey Spins russia hacking as collusion with Trump

-Trump wins

-Left goes insane

-Trump's fault that Obama failed to do anything, and Trump's fault Hillary worked up phony dossier
I think what is insane is that a lot of Americans care more about the fact Russia hacked a server than the fact a political party in our own country fixed a primary and colluded with the media to fix an election.

Who with any brains doesn't understand that foreign intelligence agencies, particularly Russia and China are doing this all the time? Grow up. If some American had hacked the DNC would that make the information any less real?

Also China is the #1 adversary to the U.S.

Meanwhile Germany is building a gas pipeline with Russia, so who are we protecting them against?

good point

things that outrage dumb Americans described above

things that don't bother them or they never think about below



It's impossible to respond to everyone, especially when I'm confined to my phone. That being said, every single counterpoint you just puked up tele was a deliberate mischaracterization of the actual arguments I have made in this thread. How can I respond to anyone if I'm forced to re-explain my clearly-stated positions rather than further the conversation?

In short, lern2read.
post that picture of obama dropping the mic again aScotia

that answered all our questions last time

post us a picture of your drool filled mop bucket and ECOMMUNIST + TIME MAGAZINE covers sitting under it

or, you know, call it a night early and just run away with your deceptive bullshit like triple does when we call him on any of it

you didn't answer a single thing last time.......we can't expect anything different this time around

that is why I didn't respond to you, but about you (to -SS-)

we aren't trying to help you......but help others climb over your dogshit in here again

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