[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread



triple is trying to beat this bar for sadist self awareness
I want to take a second to point out what a backstabbing/coniving cunt Macron is. If you watch him, he tries to use pressure points in the forearm/arm brachialis every time he gets a chance to weaken Don's hand grip in advance of or during the handshake. This is learned in martial arts and he is using this technique on the Don.
I want to take a second to point out what a backstabbing/coniving cunt Macron is. If you watch him, he tries to use pressure points in the forearm/arm brachialis every time he gets a chance to weaken Don's hand grip in advance of or during the handshake. This is learned in martial arts and he is using this technique on the Don.

June 15th is the day it all unravels according to triple. That's when they get access to Cohen's phone which will reveal all of Trump's dirty collusion deals.

Don't forget it's also the day Manafort gets sent to big-boy jail. And he's facing 20-30 years worth of charges.

I wonder how long he can take it?
They ended up scheduling the hearing for the 15th

The cohen thing is on the same day but its just a coincidence, its unrelated

it is gonna be glorious when Trump just pardons all of them just to spit on and spite this stupid Mueller time shit show

Trump himself would have a realistic shot at winning again against any DNC opposition while incarcerated

then he will just pardon himself

can't stop the Trump-Train I say

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