[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

is this the same sleepy joe these same posters said was too shook to debate up until today

im getting whiplash

well, now that he's got the deep state/msm fix in, of COURSE he's got the nuts to do it now. he'll get softball questions that he already has the answers to, and did you see that list of demands? lmao
do u ever reflect on how u can just do a 180 without missing a beat
About 3 weeks ago a reporter yelled to OldJoe
'you gonna debate Trump?'
Before the handlers could get to him Robbin'It mumbled back
aha ckkahh sure pal...
and the D.C. alarms went off
It's taken them this long
3 weeks
to come up with a response
and massive conditions
to the challenge to a debate
That Trump has always had on the table
A "debate" would go something like this: Kike leftist network (to be fair, that's all of them now), with ultra-partisan leftist presenters, one pretending to be independent (lol), Joe with pre-approved questions, an earpiece telling him exactly what to say, and finally, cutting Trump's mic off whenever he tries to talk, etc.

Biden can't form a single sentence anymore, let alone debate someone who is far more intelligent (not saying Trump is a genius, but compared to Biden I am), even if Biden was at his prime.
I didn’t know muppets were nigga’s.
Would not hit.
Dude check out that mop. Certified muppet


On a side not I find it hilarious they are too afraid to fire her even though she is probably the least competent press secretary ever. She did hit the woke check points and thats all that matters.