[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Again, I do not see how people are ok with the justice department being used like this. They think it can only be used for their team against Trump or any one else that hurts their feelings.
I want them to remember this moment in time because it is all together possible the country makes a radical swing to the right. I don't want any radical swing but these jokers are inviting it. SO what happens then? Let's say country goes as far right as we have left and all of a sudden, all the dirty tactics employed on Trump or Republican donor are now used on any Democrat. *If you come out as a conservative donor, be prepared to have gov agency investigations etc. Top Democrat politician for POTUS will have same tactics used in Kangaroo courts in lets say..Tennessee?

The same people ok with the justice dept being used as a weapon will cry the loudest and no one will give a fuck.
They aren't on the side of law and order, let alone civil society. These are the same people who would beat, torture, or murder anyone that didn't go on strike with them during early socialism/commie days. The socialist fascists did the same. It's always the same thing with leftists. Socialism, communism, "antifa," fascists, etc. They're all the same. Their goal is not fairness or equality. It's control and power. Worrying about persecuting a political opponent is hardly on their radar.
Fence sitters get piles.. fyi. Or was that rocks gives you piles.?. Either way you have to choose a side at some point or your asshole bleeds
i did choose a side and it's team usa

u chose a side and it's team global cryptojew

team usa is freedom bruh, we're independent contractors, we're the boba fatts and hans solos of the world, we shoot first and pay 4 the mess :cool:
I choose the anti-chaos option which is Trump. I will consider someone different when the choices are different
Again, I do not see how people are ok with the justice department being used like this. They think it can only be used for their team against Trump or any one else that hurts their feelings.
I want them to remember this moment in time because it is all together possible the country makes a radical swing to the right. I don't want any radical swing but these jokers are inviting it. SO what happens then? Let's say country goes as far right as we have left and all of a sudden, all the dirty tactics employed on Trump or Republican donor are now used on any Democrat. *If you come out as a conservative donor, be prepared to have gov agency investigations etc. Top Democrat politician for POTUS will have same tactics used in Kangaroo courts in lets say..Tennessee?

The same people ok with the justice dept being used as a weapon will cry the loudest and no one will give a fuck.
Again, I do not see how people are ok with the justice department being used like this. They think it can only be used for their team against Trump or any one else that hurts their feelings.
I want them to remember this moment in time because it is all together possible the country makes a radical swing to the right. I don't want any radical swing but these jokers are inviting it. SO what happens then? Let's say country goes as far right as we have left and all of a sudden, all the dirty tactics employed on Trump or Republican donor are now used on any Democrat. *If you come out as a conservative donor, be prepared to have gov agency investigations etc. Top Democrat politician for POTUS will have same tactics used in Kangaroo courts in lets say..Tennessee?

The same people ok with the justice dept being used as a weapon will cry the loudest and no one will give a fuck.

When you strike at a king, you must kill him.​

They missed.. now comes the retribution. I don't condone it but I feel the democrats were given fair warning and I am team red... if we have to swing hard then towards the right is my preference

The thing is
Trump has not broken any laws
The ByeDone Administration is corrupt and can be proven so in a real court.
The FED/FBI/DOJ .. needs to be yanked out by the roots and replant with decent seeds.

George Soros and a slew of anti-Trump activists are backing an effort to recruit poll workers for the 2024 election in collaboration with state election offices.

Founded in 2020, Power The Polls appears to be gearing up for the 2024 election, recently announcing a new Advisory council to roll out a vast army of poll watchers ahead of November. The group boasts of recruiting over 700,000 poll workers for the 2020 election and is currently working with state election offices including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ahead of the 2024 election.

Politico noted that Power the Polls was "stood up” by the Open Society Foundation, the hub of Soros’ political activism and far-left giving. A deeper investigation reveals the group is part of Work Elections, which is a project of the Fair Election Network. In turn, the Fair Election Network is backed by the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supports President Joe Biden and counts Soros among its donors.

Similarly, individuals from far-left activist organizations that have received funds from Soros-linked groups including the Open Society Foundation and New Venture Fund such as the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, llumiNative, and the Civic Rights Responsibility Project are on the advisory council.

While Power The Polls, which describes itself as the "nonpartisan leader in poll worker recruitment” claimed the new 14-member group was a "bipartisan” effort, its lack of any pro-Trump activists suggest otherwise. Furthermore, the council is co-chaired by actress Kerry Washington and infamous critic of President Trump Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

"At a time when our democracy is facing unique and historic threats, the role poll workers play in keeping our elections free and fair has never been more important,” said the former Illinois Congressman. "That’s why Power the Polls’ work is so important and why I’m proud to serve as the Advisory Council’s Co-Chair. I encourage all Americans to sign up to be poll workers through Power the Polls as a great way to serve our communities.”

Even more concerning, however, is the participation of current election officials including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling. It remains unclear the scope of Power the Polls’s influence over these offices. Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, for example, is also involved, alluding to collaboration between his office and Power the Polls: "By connecting election officials with potential poll workers, Power the Polls helps jurisdictions across the country serve voters and ensure safe and fair elections.”

MSNBC Contributor, former Editor-in-Chief of The Bulwark, and "heart of the Never Trump movement” Charlie Sykes is also on the advisory council.

But they ain't giving power up, so buckle up, the cheating is going to be off the hook this election cycle and they'll look at citizens and say,
'wat? U racists? cleanest elections in history'
Lawfare is just your imagination even though 91 indictments have been put on hold indefinitely because they don't pass the bullshit test
The cases are so water tight they had to put them on hold in order to make prison arrangements for Trump.
I told you, they need time to get the prison cell organized and cleaned up. It's done. He's done.