[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

@KittyCat answer me this: Does being in court multiple times mean that every case forward is legit regardless what it is?
yes being in court 4,000 plus times is a sign that you run your business sketchy

not all the cases were likely legit but of the 4,000 most probably were

anyways it's not like trump is an unknown entity he's been sketchy since the 70s
yes being in court 4,000 plus times is a sign that you run your business sketchy
Yes? Really that is how justice works ..guilty for everything regardless.

Also not to point out the obvious, this isn't a business case.

just based on your response I would think twice about calling others NPC.
@KittyCat I think the difference between us is that I am for charging people who are legitimately guilty for their crimes regardless who it is even if it is Trump.

If Trump really raped someone I would be for frying his ass. You cannot comprehend people can be like this because you are not.

You don't care. Not once have you said anything towards a Democrat. Not once have you said anything about Biden or that blithering idiot Harris.

You call everyone else NPC's and shills but you are the textbook definition of both.
Hey dudes, because you were in court before means everything forward is a legit charge..

I think that is what kitty is clucking.

they literally cant take u to court without charges

please learn how the country u grew up in works, just the basics plz
they literally cant take u to court without charges

please learn how the country u grew up in works, just the basics plz
Let me back up a sec.

The "original charge" brought up to make the case was blown over. The ongoing trial was for no reason. I should have been specific
:lol: word salad. They are on hold because they are not valid.. had they been valid democrats would have prosecuted and jailed Trump. That hasn't happened, obviously. That is the short version.. you want details.. go read.
I'm obviously asking what reason was given
Again, I do not see how people are ok with the justice department being used like this. They think it can only be used for their team against Trump or any one else that hurts their feelings.
I want them to remember this moment in time because it is all together possible the country makes a radical swing to the right. I don't want any radical swing but these jokers are inviting it. SO what happens then? Let's say country goes as far right as we have left and all of a sudden, all the dirty tactics employed on Trump or Republican donor are now used on any Democrat. *If you come out as a conservative donor, be prepared to have gov agency investigations etc. Top Democrat politician for POTUS will have same tactics used in Kangaroo courts in lets say..Tennessee?

The same people ok with the justice dept being used as a weapon will cry the loudest and no one will give a fuck.

People here think that I'm a Trump fanboy because im not sucking liberal dick. I dont think Trump is anything special really, other than he's not so mixed up in D.C. sketchy deals,

I "support" Trump not because i think he's some kind of political genius or savior of the nation or any of that bullshit, but because im watching a guy get skullfucked because of his political affiliation. Departments of the federal government, which is supposed to run unbiased in many ways and is supposedly built on the concept of equal treatment for all, are being weaponized by the government in general against political opponents and right now liberals are all cheering for this, until it ends up being republicans doing the same dumbThis is abou t shit then it will be an existential threat to our democracy that must be stopped quickly!" unfortunately by them it will be too late because when a power like a government gets power, they dont give it up