[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Here is why they won't raise it on their own :lol:

raising it would require Democrats to include an exact dollar figure of how much they want to increase the country's debt by. For Democrats running for reelection, that is a ready-made campaign ad that leadership is fully aware could be politically damaging.

Anxious Democrats float Plan B: Raise debt ceiling on party-line vote - CNNPolitics

But going it alone would force Democrats to employ a time-consuming budget maneuver that would bog down both chambers -- especially the Senate -- and subject their members to a parade of politically charged votes with the national debt approaching $29 trillion.

Pointing to roughly trillions more in taxes and spending that Democrats want to pass along straight party lines through the budget process, Thune said: "If they're going to do all that with 51 votes, they'll be raising the debt ceiling with 51 votes."

Rep. John Yarmuth, a Kentucky Democrat who's the chairman of the House Budget Committee, said Wednesday that he and his staff have studied the possibility that they could go through the reconciliation process to raise the debt limit -- and he insisted that it's not possible to pull it off.
"You can't do it," Yarmuth said Wednesday. "The problems are almost insurmountable. And you certainly couldn't do it in time to stave off a default."
Yarmuth also made clear the resistance from Pelosi.
"I have rarely heard the speaker and leadership more adamant about anything that they are not going to do this through reconciliation," Yarmuth said, referring to the budget process.

Without GOP support, Democrats have two main options. One would allow them to revise their current budget resolution, a process that is rife with procedural hurdles. The other option would be to deploy a little-used part of the Budget Act, which allows them to increase the debt ceiling after approving a separate budget resolution in both chambers. It would take time to pursue and require Democrats to engage in two more rounds of so-called vote-a-ramas in the Senate, a marathon series of amendment votes on the floor that occurs only during the budget process.

That route, however, would require Democrats to take some tough votes.
Part of the resistance to increasing the debt ceiling has been that, unlike suspending the debt ceiling or pausing it, raising it would require Democrats to include an exact dollar figure of how much they want to increase the country's debt by. For Democrats running for reelection, that is a ready-made campaign ad that leadership is fully aware could be politically damaging.

But if Republicans block the bill in the Senate, as expected, what exactly Democrats do remains to be seen -- and many on Capitol Hill have little idea what's next.

"We will sh*t little bricks," said Rep. John Garamendi, a California Democrat, when asked what Democrats would do if the GOP blocks the debt ceiling hike.
6.1% ashkenazi jew represent

AOC consoled by other members after Israel Iron Dome House vote | Fox News


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., appeared to be consoled by fellow members on the House floor on Thursday afternoon after the chamber overwhelmingly passed funding for the Israel Iron Dome missile defense system.

Ocasio-Cortez, huddling with allies for several minutes, appeared to wipe her face multiple times and was speaking in an animated fashion with the members around her.

The 420-9 vote was an overwhelming rebuke of House progressives who Wednesday held up Democrats' continuing resolution because Iron Dome funding was included in the legislation.