[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

juggs it's very simple

it sounds like u want to be able to dictate terms instead of having ur say bro

try and keep up
No, the simple part is you. You don't grasp that your 'say' in a situation like that means exactly nothing, so you really dont have a say.
I know..its hard adulting sometimes...alot of overwhelming information.
the chuds are super fired up today

It's what they do.

Does anyone think for a moment, if people got all fired up over Scooby's kid, called him a bastard, openly speculated about the sex that brought the kid into the world, called said kid's mother a whore and a bitch, how long would they last here?

They would have been permanently banned. But because it's me, nobody does anything. It's funny.

In the history of TW, not once has a conservative been banned for anything. Badmofo, havax, amram, lemon, all doxx, make death threats, do whatever they want. Dare calls Scooby a name, is ACCUSED of making death threats, and is permanently banned.

Severed goes on nightly meltdowns every night, and gets not even a warning. Doesn't matter that he makes zero sense, from the best we can tell, conservative, so he does what he wants.

This is not a place of free speech. This is a safe space for white supremacists to say what they want, when they want, as much as they want.
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This is a safe space for white supremacists to say what they want, when they want, as much as they want.
ya, that would b part and parcel of ~free speech~

ur gonna have 2 deal w/ a lot of content re: golden corral

i kno ur angry about dare being banned and i think it's gay as hell too, but u gotta remember the last internet admin who got in2 it w/ dare was lowtax and dare did him like boeing does their whistleblowers
honestly if u can't handle a little death threat from the Internet every once in a while ur probably not ready to be online

I'm always open to receive new ones I love that shit
imagine writing a victim impact statement on tw and begging for the big mean conservatives to be banned
i kno ur angry about dare being banned
I'm not mad per se. He and I aren't friends, and only started talking after he got banned for insulting Scooby, and Scooby made up a whopper of a lie that Dare threatened his life.


What I'm mad about is the triple standard. Scooby has one set of rules for the masses, a stricter set of rules for me and the rest of "the libtards," and a top-tier, no-rules-at-all rubrik for him and the conservatives that fellate him.