Me and my negrep stalker

do you hang out with the creepy queer chaser crowd? i think it's funny, but theres next to no chance i have anything to worry about

you should only be scared if you pick up dates at truck stop bathrooms

I do have rather a lot of gay friends, and it terrifies the fuck out of em :(

being a sodomite has never been so dangerous

lay off the canadian bacon or bacon as you call it

actually 'canadian' bacon is the same bacon as everywhere else but america (they always do their own thing), where they use a different cut to make it more crispy (and less good for you)
Elvis Hitler is starting to scare me. 13 negreps in a month or so. He mad? Or trying to win some sort of imaginary competition?
(Hint: rhetorical question)

He might just hate you. :cheers:



ability to represent CEO/President as surrogate in important meetings, meeting/greeting of important artists, corporate partners and writers.

i'm not sure what hiring manager would read that and not immediately think "this guy/girl is a joke"

seriously jm5k, have someone help you update your resume :/