Marweas still hasnt told us about getting fired

It's now 23% more aerodynamic for maximum thread-browsing performance.

When you post, in the back of my mind you are literally a squirrel sitting on a windowledge, smoking a pipe with bubbles. :shock:

Now back to teh thread, WHERE IS DAVE?

I guess SquirrelBar 2.0 was just too cutting-edge for some people ;)

By the way, my name is David so I guess I am Dave. I can answer any of your questions.
I've really enjoyed this thread. It hasn't necessarily been as dirty as I would liked, but it's been interesting. It's also nice to see that marweas, thrax, and menzo are still around. Hope your endeavors are going well.

Could any of you perhaps comment on the demographics of the tribes market/fan. I know most of us at tribalwar started playing at least 6 years ago, many were playing before that. How much of an effect do you think it had on the game that our average age is much higher now? I think the latest poll said something like average age around 21... Do you think that matters much? I'm interesting in your opinions on how it effected tribes, and more interestingly computer gaming in general?
Fling :D
you know, with all that bitterness kind of worn off, if you could somehow restrict it to the right people asking questions, I think it'd be really interesting to see Qix's responses and thoughts about tribes years later.

Of course, if he actually did dare to post here, 3 or 4 retards looking to make a name for themselves would ruin it to shit, but in a theoretical world, i bet it'd be really interesting