Mandarb's Home

i picture his computer chair to be on top of a big ass spider kind of like a small version of this:

on top of this:

almost like this:

or this:

also this is his car
Honestly, I do have a few free range spiders in the animal room. But not outside of there. I feed my dart frogs wingless or flightless fruit flies. I feed hundreds of these flies a day so some get loose. The spiders clean them up.

Any caught outside of the room are instantly placed outdoors.

None of them are as large as the orb weavers though.

any flies or any free range spiders

and why are they free range
you purchased and put em in the corner? Or they are natural and want to be close to their brethren
any flies or any free range spiders

and why are they free range
you purchased and put em in the corner? Or they are natural and want to be close to their brethren

Natural that roam in every now and again. It isn't a filthy room or anything, and they typically hang out in the bars between the racks, waiting for the flies.

If the person in the video has that bad of an "infestation" it's because there are a lot more numerous insects flying around his house which feed these spiders and allow them to survive/thrive.