Low-carb craze getting worse

drinking soda is fucking retarded, low carb or not.

Hey let's drink sugar water or a chemical cocktail artificially infused with carbon dioxode. moronic.
aspartame can kick you off of ketosis. That's why diet rite > diet pepsi/coke for you atkiners. Diet Rite has splenda (saccarine (sp?)), which doesn't do that. Tastes better too imo
this atkins craze is creating a country full of bad breath. You can tell everyone of the people on this damn diet when you come within 10 feet of them. Their breath smells like rotten pussy.
Nutrasweet defeats dieting in some fashion.

All Americans should rethink their diet. American food is designed to drag you into low effort / highly processed. That's where the margin is.

The effort you have to put out to get GOOD food over here is just stupid. So the lazy or ill equipped get busy eating what's convenient.

That's why Atkins has made so much money. It's still bullshit, but it makes more sense than the average diet of the average American. The real success behind Atkins is that you can eat as much meat as you like and as much animal fat as you can stand.

I'm guessing that you'll all die of congenital heart disease or bowel cancer.
fad diets are for morons.

you go on the diet, you lose weigh (probably). when you go off the diet, you gain the weight back.

meh. how about just eating REASONABLY and exercising? i'm not about depriving myself of good food. life is too short to not eat bread or avoid a satisfying meal. i used to be overweight, but lost nearly all of it just by exercising regularly. i still have a very small amount of fat (which nobody really notices except me) that i'm in the process of getting rid of. how am i doing it? simple - don't eat when you're not hungry. i used to eat a massive sandwich and chips for lunch, which tasted great but made me want to fall asleep immediately after i finished. now i just eat a yogurt parfait thing which tastes great and when i'm done i'm not hungry anymore.

it's all about eating food you like, in reasonable sizes, and working out. diet fads are retarded.
Reno said:
aspartame can kick you off of ketosis. That's why diet rite > diet pepsi/coke for you atkiners. Diet Rite has splenda (saccarine (sp?)), which doesn't do that. Tastes better too imo
splenda isn't sacchrin. Try again.
Fool said:
If you're interested in losing weight, you shouldn't be drinking any soda in the first place.

i can't drink soda anymore (to an extent) because i feel bloated as fuck afterwards... i kind of trained my body against sugar, and now if i eat a rich dessert or something i have a stomach ache shortly following.

p.s. i'm not on the atkin's diet... hell i'm not on any 'diet' i just watch what i eat.
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Geck0 said:
The real success behind Atkins is that you can eat as much meat as you like and as much animal fat as you can stand.

I'm guessing that you'll all die of congenital heart disease or bowel cancer.

Yet another person who doesn't know shit about Atkins.
What I hate is that now I have to watch what I eat, and I'm not on a diet. I have a fat metabolism, so I want all the carbs and shit I can get anyway. With everything converting to low-carb, I can't just pig out on any old shit. It's annoying, anyway, seeing all these dumbasses trying to eat right by cutting out their energy source.

It's not like anybody really knows anything about food and the human body, anyway. Just recently, they finally said the 8 cups of water is bullshit -- scientists still don't know what the fuck is good or bad for you. However, I DO know this: before we had all this technology and science, people were eating lots of fat, lots of carbs, etc, and living just as long. So, I'll continue to eat whatever/as much as I want until I die, and I'll laugh when I outlive you fuckers who are wasting all this effort.
Westerners in general could benefit from a lower carb higher fat diet compared to what we eat now but only because good fats are so underconsumed and carbs are so insanely over consumed. Low fat or low carb are both not the way to go longterm. Probably something like 40/30/30
or 33/33/33 (Protein/Carbs/Fat) is how a person should eat for optimal health..
NoGodForMe, before you start spewing shit out about how aspartame causes cancer how about you actually research it for yourself. Those rats where fed in some cases 1 gram of aspartame per pound of body weight. A diet coke has <200mg per can.. So for me to get the same dosage as those rats I would need to drink 750 diet cokes A DAY. At normal doses ZERO studies have shown aspartame to cause cancer. This is saying a lot since aspartame is one of the most studied additives in ANY food we consume.

I am not saying I agree with pumping ones body full of chemicals or that it is even healthy what I am saying is people should really research before they spew "facts".
Exactly Clever. I knew a kid when I was 8 years old, who's mom was terrified of aspartame and its cancer causing abilities. Well, this kid had something like 6 cavities at the age of 7 because he only drank regular soda, instead of the "evil" diet soda.

The fact is, regular soda is way worse for you if you drink soda with regularity. The amount of sugar and calories from it is staggering. Especially since they're totally worthless calories. Regular soda will mess up your health via diabetes and obesity, and the link is *very* clear.
rootb33r said:
i can't drink soda anymore (to an extent) because i feel bloated as fuck afterwards... i kind of trained my body against sugar, and now if i eat a rich dessert or something i have a stomach ache shortly following.

p.s. i'm not on the atkin's diet... hell i'm not on any 'diet' i just watch what i eat.

you are a massive pussy