Low-carb craze getting worse

Fool said:
Here is why the low carb craze is stupid:

Most people aren't strict enough about their carb intake when following the true atkins formula. If you're taking in more than 20g of carbs a day, you won't see any real improvement.

The 20 carbs/day is only at the begining induction phase.
RamataKahn said:
Azns have higher rates of certain cancers that have been linked to thier high carb diet. Many also have bad teeth.

if they had our medical resources i dont think thatd be a problem. america practically lives on an IV.
Khushi said:
splenda is just as bad as normal sugar in case your wondering. why is it so hard for people to just drink water?

Drink only water and you get sick of it. Where did I say I didn't? I drink so much that my urine is CLEAR. Your statement would lead me to believe that ll you drink is water. Are you telling me that if you got free soda you wouldn't drink any? They even have Gatorade on tap.
Alekhine said:
I honestly feel bad for people who get this idea into their heads, because they're depriving themselves of some of the healthiest foodstuffs known to man.

Health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes did not appear until we started eating those very foods, so yeah you are completely wrong. Man was at his healthiest when he ate mostly meat with some vegetables and small amounts of fruit and nuts. That is a fact.
Hitman_T said:
Drink only water and you get sick of it. Where did I say I didn't? I drink so much that my urine is CLEAR. Your statement would lead me to believe that ll you drink is water. Are you telling me that if you got free soda you wouldn't drink any? They even have Gatorade on tap.

actually i get free soda at costco, but i just fill it up with water. and i drink other stuff too, like tea and wine.
RamataKahn said:
Health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes did not appear until we started eating those very foods, so yeah you are completely wrong. Man was at his healthiest when he ate mostly meat with some vegetables and small amounts of fruit and nuts. That is a fact.

Fact. Jesus. Wholegrain foods with a low glycemic index and high fibre are good for you. You're actually saying here that oatmeal, whole wheat, legumes and carrots are bad for you and cause heart disease, obesity and diabetes just because they have carbohydrates. You're saying this, right? Unreal.

Look into the diet of any distance runner or aerobic athlete sometime, and read the Harvard study I linked (and whose word, incidentally, I hold in much higher regard than yours), or any American Heart Association data on the subject. If you're going to blame obesity, heart disease, and diabetes on foods like oatbran or whole wheat, you're out to lunch. It's the processed, sugar-spike, high-glycemic carbs, over-consumed in conjunction with horrible, saturated/trans/hydrogenated fats - this is the bad American diet that kills.

A good diet for normal people should have a near equal proportion of (good) carbs, (good) fats, and protein, although there are variations. For instance, Lance Armstrong eats a massively carbo-laden diet (70% carbs, 15% fat, 15% protein), because of what he does for a living... I guarantee he's healthier than you are or will ever be. Don't take my word for it, read about it from his trainer:

Lance Armstrong's 70% carb diet, which RamattaKhan seems to think will lead to his untimely death from obesity, heart disease or diabetes
Clever said:
Khushi, the low carb fad is not a bad thing IMHO for these reasons:

1) The average(Fat) american overconsumes carbs that have almost zero nutrient density/fiber content. (Ie there white bread instead of some damn veggies or whole grains).
2) The average american underconsumes fat and what fat they do eat is of the wrong type.
3) The FDA's Food Pyramid is an utter joke

To some degree, even if it is indirectly, the low carb diet craze is bringing more attention to these issues. If people walk away w/ learning something than we are better off IMHO in the long run.

And with that, I need not visit this thread again. The funny has been delivered.
Imposter said:
I don't get why people don't just drink Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi...
Diet is blah tasting and has that sweetner that is bad for u too.
Carbs are fine, but only if you eat carbs that digest slowly. Like brown rice is a good carb. Beans are a good source of carbs. Potatoes convert to sugar right after you eat, they digest fast and so it is like eating a cup of sugar when you eat a baked potato. Too much sugar tells your pancreas to make more insulin, too much insulin tells your body to store fat. So eat less sugar and eat less foods that convert to sugar in the body.
Vanster, i am a fuckup at typing.. I meant underconsumes proper fat. If you read any other post I have submited you know I am not blowing shit out of my ass. Should have read like this:

the average american underconsumes good fats(Omega 3's, Omega 9's, monounsaturated fats) while the fat they do consume is made up entirely of "bad" fats(saturated fats, trans fats).

I am hesistant even using the term bad fat when refering to saturated fat as it is needed and can very health promoting when consumed in the proper quantities.

Glad my lack of formulating thoughts brought the funny tho :p