[London] No power for you.


just like the boston strangler, if he processes reality and breaks his delusions too fast he'll go fucking catatonic :roller:
see this is the kind of crazy that we've always most enjoyed from him

caught in a lie/delusion and totally fucking floundering, throwing out more and more febrile bullshit in an attempt to stay afloat heh heh :sunny:
I don't have to lie. I brought attention to a matter. A matter that would have affected peeps I didn't even know for their benefit. I do not expect you to fully understand my intent as it is the reverse of your intent. I create. You destroy. Pretty simple stuff. Simple enough that a simp like you should understand but apparently you are more of a b.i.f than you come across as. Poor guy.

Considering the horror you are going to experience I personally find it odd instead of making effort now to preserve your wellbeing you instead choose to bump your gums. Priorities. How do they work?
I addressed your concern in post #104 of this thread. If you are not able to understand that fact then that is an area of yourself you need to work on. Also please refrain from lying about me. Not only is it an immoral thing to do it is also a crime.

So go enjoy you some tea and crumpets and have a great day.
What's in store for the US is worse than you could imagine. No need to take my word for it. Everyone will find out for themselves.
i like how he completely fucking ignores the fact that this power-outage story is 10 years old, ignores the fact that it's all over the web and refuses to address the fact that he was honestly trying to claim it as some sort of a scoop

without quality journalists like tehvul the 10 year old power outage story might have slipped through the cracks at infowars
Reads something about power outage. Posts on tribalwar. There was no power outage. Instead of admitting he was wrong and possibly gaining some respect, claims that everybody with some sort of connecting to the queen is a slave and that she censored the story (which would have been incredibly minor OH NOES POWER OUTAGE AHHHH).

This all makes perfect sense. He is obviously sane.

Keep calm and carry on.
i guess the only way that hundreds of people could have had the same scoop by finding the same 10 year old news story at roughly the exact same fucking point in time is if the theories about HAARP being a massive brain-controlling/thought-injection system r all true

red isn't a lying, delusional piece of shit, he's a victim of a massive government mind control conspiracy designed to spread disinformation and destroy the credibility of enemies of the state who get too close to the truth :(

Reads something about power outage. Posts on tribalwar. Uses this scoop as 'proof' of his new 'o btw i'm actually a semi-pro freelance journalist and this is just an example of what i do' delusion. There was no power outage. Instead of admitting he was wrong and possibly gaining some respect, claims that everybody with some sort of connecting to the queen is a slave and that she censored the story (which would have been incredibly minor OH NOES POWER OUTAGE AHHHH).

This all makes perfect sense. He is obviously sane.

Keep calm and carry on.

yaaaa ;/ fixed for you btw
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without quality journalists like tehvul the 10 year old power outage story might have slipped through the cracks at infowars

I can't even imagine the horror and tragedy that have ensued from all those who were unprepared in the last few days for this 10 year old event.

Thanks goodness we were informed.
