[lol] Some fag tried to e-knight me last night

It's funny because that sort of e-wit might actually be e-plausible if a dozen pictures of my gorgeous self didn't exist on this forum.

You guys are basically using anti-Kurayami tactics against a foe who is impervious to them.

It's like I'm a fucking Tiger Tank and all you got is some shitty pre-war Russian light armored recon vehicle.

You can run around in little loops and make noise but at the end of the day I'm just gonna knock you right out bro

quad iced motherfucker

we deep in Siberia now
It's funny because that sort of e-wit might actually be e-plausible if a dozen pictures of my gorgeous self didn't exist on this forum.

you're kind of flat-faced which makes you look like you have fas

how hard is that to understand? unless you're also developmentally delayed
You can run around in little loops and make noise but at the end of the day I'm just gonna knock you right out bro

I assume you mean Pierre will drag us away while you stand around and do nothing

It's so funny when someone first loses thier virginity.

They start thinking they are the first and only person in the world who could possibly have done so and by doing so have become some sort of super stud.

They then proceed to start calling all around them virgins, not realising how utterly childish and immature it sounds to an adult.

Ironically - this is usually done by one of the last people in a peer group to lose it, consequently making them appear to be a joke and a huge fucking tool.

Everyone laughs at them, not with them and they unknowingly remain a figure of scorn and pity.
notice how when I leave a thread a nerd circlejerk occurs without my participation?

I'm pretty sure I pointed this out several pages ago
'mrraahhhhh' makes me laugh every time.

Your shitty story is all like reading like a shitty story that was written on like a teenage girls live journal.
It just shows that some people are in different time zones and thus miss out on the sheer faggotry of participating while 'the iron is hot'
It's funny because that sort of e-wit might actually be e-plausible if a dozen pictures of my gorgeous self didn't exist on this forum.

You guys are basically using anti-Kurayami tactics against a foe who is impervious to them.

It's like I'm a fucking Tiger Tank and all you got is some shitty pre-war Russian light armored recon vehicle.

You can run around in little loops and make noise but at the end of the day I'm just gonna knock you right out bro

quad iced motherfucker

we deep in Siberia now

case and point