[lol more Xtian buffoons] TN State Rep a creationist

Yet more historical inaccuracy. England was the country that began the cultural eradication of slavery. The US was actually almost the last Western nation to give it up.

I think you could combine the whole common wealth and barely have 1/3 of the U.S. population at any point in time.
I'm getting at the fact you don't see what the founders said in equality. You see the constitution and believe in it, probably very strongly. But you are applying a bias to it and ignoring everything else they said, again

so if you say creationism is wrong and spreading it is stupid, you are actually in direct contradiction to the constitution. Since the people that wrote it were almost all creationists and expressed concern about the time people would abandon it.

I don't think my point needs anymore explaining
Well, it doesn't need more, because it's an incorrect point.

many of the Founders railed against the anti-intellectualism of Christianity. The ones who were most prominent in politics dismissed all the magic and fantasy. They were the children of the Enlightenment and they weren't as ignorant as you keep pretending to press your false points.

Creationism stands on it's own lack of merit. The Constitution is not tied to it. Keep saying that because you have no other way to try and prop it up; it's just a carnival of lies and we all know it.
we are the first civilization ever to really get away from slavery. Why is that? the founders must have done something right. You don't just remove and abolish it, when its the only way of life you know, its should be a natural product of a free land

who's we? The USA was among the last western countries to abolish slavery afaik.
interesting that enlightenment itself sprang from Christianity as it began spreading after a thousand years of dark ages in the middle east and Europe. Starting mostly with Martin Luther in a battle against the catholic church, then through the printing press and civilization slowly came out of what islam did.

the rest of your opinion is so baseless I won't even bother.
who's we? The USA was among the last western countries to abolish slavery afaik.

maybe it's a moot point then!

when the USSR dissolved in 1990, they had 400 million people, likely 100 million of them bound up in slavery in gulags

if you read about China, they have continuously put their people into serf style labor, maybe not slavery as we understand it but more or less work or death.

I'm not even sure how this related to the original argument anymore...
maybe it's a moot point then!

when the USSR dissolved in 1990, they had 400 million people, likely 100 million of them bound up in slavery in gulags

if you read about China, they have continuously put their people into serf style labor, maybe not slavery as we understand it but more or less work or death.

I'm not even sure how this related to the original argument anymore...

stop bringing it up, then
seems to me if you want to replace the founders, go ahead and replace them with something newer. Just be careful what you call your country, it won't be a republic by its founding definition, and it will take a form similar to so many civilizations that have been through this already

the problem is America is based solidly on religion, its not like Rome which was established as a secular republic. The change is inevitable though. Your country will either stand or fall based on how religious your population is.
i care because there are a billion chinamen that want our natural resources and a billion muslims that just want to wipe us out...

i know the prosperity we still enjoy is because of religion, religion has put us into the right wars for the right causes and we came out on top of the world and are the #1 charitable resource for any country that needs help thanks to that military victory

so you need to be careful what your people believe.
interesting that enlightenment itself sprang from Christianity as it began spreading after a thousand years of dark ages in the middle east and Europe. Starting mostly with Martin Luther in a battle against the catholic church, then through the printing press and civilization slowly came out of what islam did.

the rest of your opinion is so baseless I won't even bother.

Seriously, you don't actually know what the Elightenment was, do you? You don't even know that.

It was a movement away from Christianity's basis of pseudoreason, you imbecile; it denied the idea of 'because God said so' and derived from 'because it's right or egalitarian'. It's basis is exactly the opposite of what you appear to think it is.

Hysterical :lol:
seems to me if you want to replace the founders, go ahead and replace them with something newer. Just be careful what you call your country, it won't be a republic by its founding definition, and it will take a form similar to so many civilizations that have been through this already

the problem is America is based solidly on religion, its not like Rome which was established as a secular republic. The change is inevitable though. Your country will either stand or fall based on how religious your population is.

I won't even flense this, it's so full of fail
well based on what you don't know about the founding fathers I assumed rightly you know as much about the period of the enlightenment

I can go to bed knowing I'm right, but really is it worth it to sit for an hour and explain why? It's a serious chore is what it is. Worth it usually, because people learn when you have 100 ppl viewing a thread. But I can't take that responsibility all the time especially at 4 am... nuts
well based on what you don't know about the founding fathers I assumed rightly you know as much about the period of the enlightenment

I can go to bed knowing I'm right, but really is it worth it to sit for an hour and explain why? It's a serious chore is what it is. Worth it usually, because people learn when you have 100 ppl viewing a thread. But I can't take that responsibility all the time especially at 4 am... nuts

You're ignorant of both, as we've already shown; go to bed anyway.
Anyway, the Bill this is all about really, states:
Bill Summary

This bill prohibits the state board of education and any public elementary or secondary school governing authority, director of schools, school system administrator, or principal or administrator from prohibiting any teacher in a public school system of this state from helping students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught, such as evolution and global warming. This bill also requires such persons and entities to endeavor to:
(1) Create an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues; and
(2) Assist teachers to find effective ways to present the science curriculum as it addresses scientific controversies.

And now that I've read it through, it's funny but by it's working this still keeps creationism out, since the Courts have determined that creationism isn't scientifically viable :lol: I would say that since the creationists writing it don't know the actual definitions for 'scientific theory' and 'evidence' while using those specific terms in their bill, they've hamstrung their agenda.