[lol more Xtian buffoons] TN State Rep a creationist


Veteran XX
Letters: Mountains of evidence support creationism » Knoxville News Sentinel

State Rep. Jeremy Faison said:
But I know evolution within species happens daily. Nobody disputes that. It seems the writer was playing “word games” by sneaking in different meanings to how I used the word evolution. Personally, I whole-heartedly embrace the Genesis 1 account. Evolution from one species to another is a theory — one that, for me, requires blind faith to believe in. Contrary to the writer’s statements, the battle of evolution versus creation is still very much alive today.

I represent East Tennessee. Most of us believe in God. Most of us believe in creation. Most of us stand behind teachers who want to give honest answers to honest questions.

There are mountains of evidence for speciation; there is no evidence for your Genesis creationism. TN residents, you elected a dunce to represent you. :lol:
Mabelrode, why do you hate God so much? He gave us so much we should be thanking Him for all He has done, and to teach that to our children at such a young age so they will grow up believing in the one true Creator and the cycle of tithing continues for another generation.
happy birthday
SirBatesAlot , Cheater (106) , Noumenon (36) , Colosus (30) , Spriggan (29) , Ranger1 (28) , Fyre Knight (26) , Araya (26) , Z][RO (23)
A number of related editorials are just as priceless, though coming from your typical, salt of the earth Tennessean.. you know.. morons.

some other ignorant person said:
Intelligent design is not opposed to genuine science. For a matter to be real science it must be provable, observable and reproducible; macro evolution (origins, explanations for life) is neither. Micro evolution (minor changes within species and organisms), on the other hand, meets the scientific criteria. Secular scientists make the mistake of overlaying micro evolutionary principles on top of their “cannot be a God” premise and, thus, you have Darwinism. Some scientists assume from the onset that whatever the answer is, it is not God.

If people die when hearts, kidneys and livers fail, then how did anyone live while those organs “evolved?” The obvious answer is that they didn’t. Man began as he is today.

the debunked irreducible complexity error
Mabelrode, why do you hate God so much? He gave us so much we should be thanking Him for all He has done, and to teach that to our children at such a young age so they will grow up believing in the one true Creator and the cycle of tithing continues for another generation.

My God wipes his ass with your God.
I meant the nutjob in the quote. Most of the people arguing against speciation don't even understand the root of the word of the thing they're arguing against. You know?
That's debatable Togo, but, did you also know almost none of the Founders knew what electricity was?

I don't look to political figures to understand science for me; this thread should have allowed you to understand that from the get-go :lol:

More fun facts: most of the Founders owned slaves. Go go Xtian creationists.