Laptop Brands


do NOT get a HP. EVER.

I bought my HP and my 360 about the same time. My 360 has broken twice. My HP laptop (dv5t) has broken 4 times (motherboard, monitor, HD, motherboard again). After the first one broke the second time they sent me a new one which broke a week and half later. Average turnaround time on repairs? 1.5 MONTHS. per repair.

I take immaculate care of it. It doesn't leave me desk. I don't eat around it. All it does is break.

cliffs: don't get a HP. Do it for me.


I fucking hate people who say stupid shit like this.

I am no HP fan but what you said was really fucking ignorant.
I've had one of the Gateway FX labtops for over a year now and still runs great with no problems. It's got a 8800 GTS 512 in it and still runs all new games great. One of the selling points for me was that the processor was really easy to get at via access panel. Easy to keep fans and crap clean, and upgrade when I feel the need. This thing has completely replaced my desktop.
Unless the laptop is your only computer in a dorm room, you won't game on it. The keyboard "feels" different because it's smaller, function keys are bundled with other keys, same for the numpad.
Most laptops will play the games from a year ago, UT2K4, Far Cry, Halo. So you don't need top of the line when it comes to graphics.
Unless you're going to hook another keyboard, and mouse to it, gaming on it will be awkward.
Unless the laptop is your only computer in a dorm room, you won't game on it. The keyboard "feels" different because it's smaller, function keys are bundled with other keys, same for the numpad.

Err... and if the laptop is not the only computer in a dorm room, then he's presumably getting it because he wants to... I dunno, go places with it. In which case, he'll probably want to play games on it.

Most laptops will play the games from a year ago, UT2K4, Far Cry, Halo.

No, they won't.

"Most laptops" have integrated graphics which are utterly useless for any sort of 3D stuff.

So you don't need top of the line when it comes to graphics.

Not top of the line, but not "Most laptops", either. You still need pretty damn close to top of the line, particularly with laptop graphics cards which are generally less powerful than their desktop counterparts anyway.

Unless you're going to hook another keyboard, and mouse to it, gaming on it will be awkward.

It's pretty simple to throw a mouse into a laptop bag, and the keyboards on most are perfectly useable.

In short, your advice is terrible.

I fucking hate people who say stupid shit like this.

I am no HP fan but what you said was really fucking ignorant.

they're 0-2 with me. That's a damning statistical sample, small though it may be. I'm relaying personal experience. It's not my job to conduct customer satisfaction surveys so as never to convey information that is less than entirely accurate.

My post is emphatic because I've been emphatically burned by HP. It is entirely reasonable for me to convey advice based on personal experience and observation.

this ain't CNET bitch. Ride your white pony on back to the castle there.
Get a Sager. I just purchased a Sager NP8660 last week and I love this thing. Although I maxed it out...about $2300.

Just in a weeks use I'm in love with it. 10billion x better then my old Dell.
NEVER get an HP. They crap out ALL the time, I went through 2 HP laptops & both have some fucked up way of dying that it would cost crazy amount to fix, I got Toshiba now & happy with it
Wow, so many people suggesting laptops who have no clue what a GAMING laptop is.

Sager or XPS(Alienware) bottom line. Pick something in your price range.

If you get an XPS get Complete Care, my M1710 died after a couple years and they gave me the top of the line M1730 (big upgrade from my M1710).

EDIT: BTW buy whatever you get off eBay (and don't fall for the scams... they aren't hard to spot). I bought my original laptop for $1200 when it was selling on the Dell site for $3200. I wouldn't pay Dell or Sager's ridiculous prices.
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I concur. The 1 HP we have at the school has been repaired twice. We have 40 dells and they have never needed service.

Er, wait, I forgot. 1 of the dells has a bad express card slot.
if you buy a laptop strictly for gaming you're a moron

if you buy a laptop to game on and think it will be anywhere near portable you're a moron

if you buy a 17" laptop and still want it to be portable :lol:

if you're one of those people who i see sitting by themselves in the food court at school or the mall playing computer games while everyone else in the world is being social then it sucks to be you.