Kurayami, did you really think this forum would collapse when you left?

yeah he claimed to be a published author

and he was

he sure got 'taken out' by the 'e-thug' crew
cognizofa never 'bragged' about his book. As I recall he always down played it said it never sold well.

in actuality it was kinda like obibun goes on about the fact hes a linguistics student

'dont correct me on grammar I'm a published author mate'

then the e-thugs (creepy stalker crew) found out that his book was a java programming manual that was out of date by the time it was printed
how does obibun find time to mention linguistics in between posting 'i fuck models' every 3rd sentence?
im surprised there are so many people still willing to suck that guy's dick

also, people have been saying the forum has 'been dying off' since 2003. newsflash: it hasn't. your perception of it is what has changed
im surprised there are so many people still willing to suck that guy's dick

also, people have been saying the forum has 'been dying off' since 2003. newsflash: it hasn't. your perception of it is what has changed

yes with talent like durak how can we fail

he's had sex
i made like 1 thread about it

and u guys keep repeating it
