Justice League: The Snyder Cut

Yeah, Pagy, this was the best review that I've seen so far. Covers literally ALL of the major talking points. I always was a fan of "Half in the Bag" reviews.

But one hour for the review? (And THIS from a guy who will sit through a 4 hour movie.)

They did a really good job.
It was a shrewd move for Time Warner to get behind and support "Snyder's Vision." They had to do SOMETHING positive to help salve their self inflicted wounds from the clusterfuck, slapdash way that they have ruined the DC movie franchise.
There was nothing shrewd about it. Warner owns DC, Warner owns HBO Max, they wanted content for streaming during COVID, they had all the footage and a Snyder willing to work for free.
I do find it to be curious that with all of the "great, new" movies coming out today that "Zack Snyder's Justice League" for HBO Max is the one that's most being talked about.
There was nothing shrewd about it. Warner owns DC, Warner owns HBO Max, they wanted content for streaming during COVID, they had all the footage and a Snyder willing to work for free.

Shrewd in the way that they handled it: "The fans demanded it. We gave them what they wanted."
So it sounds like it is a much better film than Josstice League, but it is still a Zack Snyder film... so... yeah.

Though, I do like some Snyder films like Watchman and 300. Even Man of Steel... the first half at least. sorta
oddly, it's a bit lighter in tone than his previous films. Much lighter that MOS & BVS.
The added runtime is justified by the fact that DC did everything backwards and introduced more than half the league in the team up movie, rather than solo films.

it's a weird 'perfect storm' - it works because the franchise surrounding it doesn't work, and he's had the benefit of finishing the film many years after the fact; therefore being able to see the critical reception, and reconsider things over time.

The Suicide Squad trailer dropped. They're obviously hoping King Shark carries the film.
Starring several MCU actors, an MCU director, a CGI rodent, and a CGI scene stealer.