Justice League: The Snyder Cut

Also, Joss Wheeedon is taking too much shit for what he did. Warner Brothers brought him on to marvel things up. And he did what he was paid to do. But it just didn't work. Warner Brothers is the real villain here. I blame them for the ultimate destruction of DC Comics via inept, stupid, and self serving decisions that were made by spineless and short sighted executives.
yeah. they should have just released the snyder cut as a 3hr movie.

but i guess they just didn't want to carry on with his road map - which was seeing diminishing returns/running up a debt.

I think that's the main take-away when you look at Whedon's version - it's a self contained story. No appearances of darseid. No cliffhanger ending. No scenes of a post-apocalyptic world.
i jus wach dis movi it p gud better than marvel trash

prob tryin for oscars or something lol

shulda just woke superman earlier... but then 4hr movi would b 4min movi lol
Heh, I saw this article too.

From the article:
"Studio officials demanded 30 minutes of Batman V Superman be cut, likely to increase the amount of showings the film could have in a day."

It's hilarious that it's such a stupid reason for ruining a film. Sounds entirely accurate.