[jobs] how many of you guys work in IT?


Veteran X
only a few years left in college, and not sure where to start looking into career information, or even what to look for specifically. seeing as IT is a vast line of work, it'd be nice to find something that's at least somewhat interesting and dynamic, rather than something that involves being stuck in a cube all day.

if you do work in IT, what kind of job do you have? what schooling did you go through? what kind of certifications do you have?

if you don't work in IT, ignore/flame as you see fit.
there are a ton of IT jobs that dont involve sitting in a cube all day

here let me start a list:
Ok now serious answer - there are a few IT jobs that don't involve sitting in a cube, but not many, and they don't pay what you are probably expecting. For example my first IT job was working for a local company that installed networks in medical and dental offices.

So the upside is that I would spend about half of my time in the shop building and repairing PCs, some time on the road to the sites, and some time on site installing and troubleshooting. It had a good variety, I learned a lot about many different areas, and I even got to see the sun a few hours a day. The bad side - the pay was pretty low.

If you do desktop support you will get to move around a little during the day, even with networks that have software in place to push out applications and do remote troubleshooting, you have to go to the PC now and then.

But since then I've been pretty much a cube rat. I get up two or three times during the day to take a 5-10 minute walk just to clear my head and rest my eyes, but other than that it's sitting and staring at computer screens all day.

To answer your other questions, I took a technical course that included A+, Net+, and MCSE 2000. I spent a ton of money, got a shelf full of nice fat books, and learned nearly nothing. IMO you have to take some crappy jobs where you get hand-on learning to really get started. Right now I do application security, mainly payroll and HR applications like PeopleSoft. I have to deal with SAS70 and SOX audit compliance, and other boring crap like that.
support is a good starting point, it's good to have there to build up your idiot tolerence, as well as giving you a bit of insight on how things really work in that sort of environment. Just don't get stuck there.

I do Network Operations at a big-ass ISP. Essentially I'm a babysitter for our little bit of internet. I make sure shit's working how it's supposed to be, fix what I can when it's not.. routers, servers, the lot. Deal with customer service, with the network and server guys that build the shit, the ops guys from other areas that look after the physical links, other NOCs around the world when there's wider issues...

It's 12 hour shifts, and I'm not in a cube. I'm on a bench.. Think NASA mission control.. that's the sort of thing.
I work in IT. Started 20 years ago as a computer operator and learned on the job. Yes, I'm in a cube, make 80K a year, it sucks, and I'm stuck at that level. Working in a cube farm sucks because the managers put noisy people around us and don't care what we think. The people near me speak spanish all day and talk loud. The IT department helps out by blocking the internet and saying we can't stream music over the net. I got around this by tunneling thru the fire wall to my home computer. The network people reading this will say I'm a fuck for tunneling thru the firewall and that I'll get caught. Hasn't happened yet and I think they know we're doing it. There's a boss above me who isn't going anywhere and the language I program in (Pick) is very rare and only used in big companies. Since I don't have the 10 acronyms of Java, C++, ASP, Oracle, SQL, Unix, Novell, and a few others, I can't switch into the web world. The only way to do that is if I have an "In" which I don't.

Unless you're Jewish and climb the CEO ladder, you'll be stuck between 80-100K depending on what specialty you pick. In case you don't know, Jews promote Jews along the CEO ladder. I saw it happen first hand here. Our company has a data warehouse department. I was in that department when it first started. It was me and some other dude. The guy left, and then the department fizzled, until they gave it to a Jew. Guess what? He got to "kingdom build" an entire department of 6 people and now he's a manager with a parking spot out front and a high salary. It happens, so don't tell me it doesn't. Some crack pot or recruiter will immediately come in here and say it's easy to get a 100k job and move up the CEO ladder even if you aren't Jewish. Yeah, right, ok, then everyone on TW would have a job. If there's so many then why is the IT field going to shit? Why? Because you need an "in" and you have to know 10 complicated languages just to get a job. Besides the 10 acronyms that most don't have, most companies throw in some special language or application that one can only learn on the job. How many of you know EMC hard drives? Is EMC taught in college? No. Can you afford the classes on your own? No. Yet many jobs would ask that you be an EMC expert to get the job.

IT is not worth going into because when the bubble burst in 2000, it fucked up everything. Web programming became a blue collar job with most being paid $11/hour. There's no middle managers left, it's all CEOs at the top, and then blue collar monkeys at the bottom. Working in IT means being in a noisy cube farm with no privacy, everything you do being tracked, watched, cameras, fuck it. Do something else, go in a completely different direction.

It's 9am and there's 2 conversations going on around me. One in spanish, the other english. It will be this way all day. People will walk thru the cube farm making noise yelling to each other. We tell the managers it's noisy, but they can't do anything about it.
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Don't go into IT, do something else. Go into business, accounting, but stay from IT unless you have an "in" to the management world.

Fuck that.

Get a trade. Everyone needs plumbers.

That or a Nurse. Nursing is quite seriously a ticket to a worldwide working holiday. You can go fucking anywhere with that.
Unless you're Jewish and climb the CEO ladder, you'll be stuck between 80-100K depending on what specialty you pick. In case you don't know, Jews promote Jews along the CEO ladder. I saw it happen first hand here. Our company has a data warehouse department. I was in that department when it first started. It was me and some other dude. The guy left, and then the department fizzled, until they gave it to a Jew. Guess what? He got to "kingdom build" an entire department of 6 people and now he's a manager with a parking spot out front and a high salary. It happens, so don't tell me it doesn't. Some crack pot or recruiter will immediately come in here and say it's easy to get a 100k job and move up the CEO ladder even if you aren't Jewish. Yeah, right, ok, then everyone on TW would have a job. If there's so many then why is the IT field going to shit? Why? Because you need an "in" and you have to know 10 complicated languages just to get a job. Besides the 10 stands acronyms that most don't have, most companies throw in some special language or application that one can only learn on the job. How many of you know EMC hard drives? Is EMC taught in college? No. Can you afford the classes on your own? No. Yet many jobs would ask that you be an EMC expert to get the job.

You really are a fucking moron. Normally I could tolerate your posts because they were ignorant and you're stupid, but after that you really are a fucking moron.
I'm in IT, and I'm not liking it. I evaluate and develop technologies for the disabled (deaf, hard of hearing, legally blind, etc.). At the same time, I have to maintain a network of about 30 machines and about the same number of complete idiots.

If I want to get a project done, I have to go through a thousand approvals and then to the student government for the money, where they give me shit about how much it costs to help a guy with permanent Tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) since he's the only student w/ that particular condition. "Does it matter?" I ask, "What happens when another student comes in with this problem? Why cant we be the first university to develop noise cancelling technologies to operate on different frequencies and reverse the field so that they can't hear the ringing anymore?"

"It's too expensive" they say, "we'll give you $2000 and see how much you can get done with that."

Fucking cocksuckers.
I'm in IT, and I'm not liking it. I evaluate and develop technologies for the disabled (deaf, hard of hearing, legally blind, etc.). At the same time, I have to maintain a network of about 30 machines and about the same number of complete idiots.

If I want to get a project done, I have to go through a thousand approvals and then to the student government for the money, where they give me shit about how much it costs to help a guy with permanent Tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) since he's the only student w/ that particular condition. "Does it matter?" I ask, "What happens when another student comes in with this problem? Why cant we be the first university to develop noise cancelling technologies to operate on different frequencies and reverse the field so that they can't hear the ringing anymore?"

"It's too expensive" they say, "we'll give you $2000 and see how much you can get done with that."

Fucking cocksuckers.

I'd say they are right in that situation. Money isn't infinite. Raise the money yourself if its so important to you.
You really are a fucking moron. Normally I could tolerate your posts because they were ignorant and you're stupid, but after that you really are a fucking moron.

Too bad, it's the truth and I'm going to tell everyone about it.

Jews are real proud when they talk about their accomplishments. But when people talk about the stereotype, then people get all pissy. Did you know that Google was started by Russian Jews? Did you know the first person they hired was Jewish, and people after that were mostly Jewish? It's true, just go read up on it. The stereotype is true. You won't go up the CEO ladder unless you are Jewish. There's a glass ceiling, you'll get stuck.

No one came to me and said here Robert, we've got this data warehouse department we're going to let you kingdom build. No No, it was given to someone else.

I agree that a trade would do most better these days. Plumbing, AC repair, car repair, something in the real world. IT is day time jail for normal people. If I could rewind the clock and do it all over, I would.
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you're the most inadequate person in the world NoGodForMe

everything wrong in your life you blame on someone else

you'd have fit right in with the Nazi party.

it's even worse than people who troll because you seem to really believe this shit. but don't stop posting, i love it :D :lol: