It's time to play guess the race again.

Two of the men were able to escape Guns and Ammo Gunsmith, 522 Edgefield Road, in the vehicle and later stopped at a Waffle House on Martintown Road in North Augusta to seek help
of course
Google street view sez the location is Rural White.

Still trying to suss out the deceased.

Edit: Shit. Didn't see that. Quest over!

Rayn is teh win! :bigthumb:
well, i do not see a race issue. he would of shot them no matter what ethnicity they were as he should to prevent his guns from being used in violent crimes against future victims.
...aaaaaaaand, plug Eastover, S.C. into Street View, turn around...

black people.
South Carolina...good ol boys in gun shops. These people are fucking retarded and should have known better. They fly the Confederate flag at the Capital building for fuck sakes.
If these guys were gang members this gun store owner still has a lot of difficulty ahead of him. Hope it's done with for his sake.
You would of thought that a little thought goes into places to target to rob.

A gun store being the last commercial point of interest for a robber. The human race is fucking retarded.