[IT] Certification Thread

hey this 24 port 3com hub is cheap AND its only 12 years old how come our network is slow

we paid 200 dollars for it 8 years ago WTF fix it
hey this 24 port 3com hub is cheap AND its only 12 years old how come our network is slow

we paid 200 dollars for it 8 years ago WTF fix it

those who can, do
those who can't, get certs

At one point in my career I believed this same thing. In fact, I do not have my MCSE today because I refused to be associated with all of the paper certified admins out there. In hindsight I should have gotten it along side all the other guys. I actually went to the classes (for NT4.0) and just never took the exams. I still have the books from those classes.

Today I believe that the certs are necessary. They set you apart from the competition which likely also has exp, certs, and the degree. If you are happy with your current position and believe you will be there forever (which means you are an idiot based upon the current economy) then go ahead and keep believing that the certs are worthless. For everyone else, get certified in as many things as you can. It does help at least to get you the interview. People in HR look for certs/degrees/ and exp. If nothing else the certs get you pass the HR filtering and into an actual interview.

If you have no exp in the field then do yourself a favor and don't lie about it. Also, don't try to get 100k with just a few certs. Be realistic, get your start, climb the ladder and you will be successful.

Just look at BadMofo for proof.
tbh i would get certs if i wasn't busy 100% of my day with paperwork and not giving the slightest fuck about IT in my spare time

as true as it that they are, for the most part, useless

they have their place
I've been

Network engineer - site infrastructure - fiber/microwave backbone design - a bit of Cisco and its archaic OS...
Windows NT/2000/2003 Server admin - AD
Exchange 5.5/2003
Citrix Server Admin
Novell Admin (Groupwise, etc)
Desktop break/fix
Tech Writer

...and not a single cert...

...though I am signing up for classes at our local junior college for the fall in the IT/Biz Admin area.

Fuck Citrix. I've never had to fix a more broken piece of shit.
citrix(when implemented correctly) is fuckin awesome and i dont think i could live without it if my work didn't have it, tbh
citrix(when implemented correctly) is fuckin awesome and i dont think i could live without it if my work didn't have it, tbh

We need it here at the hospital. Good place to be, i think its tons of $$ too. Might be a future cert for me
dont bother, it's on the way out of the industry now since they swapped over to this xen shit

if anything get some VMWare certs
if anything get some VMWare certs

this is a good idea

also im sure most of us in IT are aware that certs are pretty much pieces of paper that show u know the basics of whatever ur certified in, i dont think anyone feels they are the be all end all of a successful career
I only deal with citrix web portals, which seemingly always have problems. Otherwise most of what I work with is AD / proxy, exchange, print, and file servers / Tivoli (which always has problems) / RAS / ISF / and network mapping/shares/permissions shit all day, er' day.

oh... and Blackberry Enterprise :cry:
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this is a good idea

also im sure most of us in IT are aware that certs are pretty much pieces of paper that show u know the basics of whatever ur certified in, i dont think anyone feels they are the be all end all of a successful career

yep, they just look good on a resume to get you into the door.
I only deal with citrix web portals, which seemingly always have problems. Otherwise most of what I work with is AD / proxy, exchange, print, and file servers / Tivoli (which always has problems) / RAS / ISF / and network mapping/shares/permissions shit all day, er' day.

oh... and Blackberry Enterprise :cry:

QQ more fag, aids in your body and sars in your mouth.
I only deal with citrix web portals, which seemingly always have problems. Otherwise most of what I work with is AD / proxy, exchange, print, and file servers / Tivoli (which always has problems) / RAS / ISF / and network mapping/shares/permissions shit all day, er' day.

oh... and Blackberry Enterprise :cry:

Do you work for NMCI?