Is Pharrell the new Michael Jackson?


Veteran XX
Read this:

Pharrell: A Fashion Icon? | Entertain This!

Chains, oversized hats, suit shorts, track jackets and high-tops? If you think it’s a ridiclous combo, you’re missing the point. Pharrell dresses the way a young boy would if he had access to the most expensive dress-up box in the land. On purpose, people! One of Pharrell’s fashion lines is called Billionaire Boys Club, because that is his specific look! And it is magical. (He also has a shoe line called Ice Cream Footwear, because that’s exactly what a child would name his accessories company.)


How badly does he want the MJ rap? Is he going to move into Neverland?
Is he going to start with plastic surgery?

Just how far will this go?
No, he's just taking advantage of young boys.... oh wait... that's what Michael did.....I'm waiting on his new Jesus Juice line...
Pharrell has talent but looks like a total fucking clown doing it. He just doesn't give a shit cause he's rich as fuck.
World's apart fashion-wise. MJ had only a few wardrobe missteps in his career, more often than not he rock those outfits. Pharrell, while undeniably talented, dresses like he's trolling.
Does he molest children but get away with it because he's a nigger? Is he trying to desperately whiten his skin because he despises "spabooks?" Can he actually sing and not just mumble words over a repetitive beat?
No I don't believe he's touched any kids lately. Also bruno mars, you thread is backing the wrong horse.
Pharrell and I were in the same graduating class at Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach. I never hung out with him, but the people I knew who were in band with him said he was a lazy prick and started shit with people for no reason. :shrug: