[Iraq Attaq] I thought that this was an interesting picture.

Kurayami said:
Notice who's kicking down the door and who's standing around watching.

(not that I subscribe to that. I just thought it was a mildly amusing picture in light of it.)

marines/army haha yea.. unfortunely its a setup shot.....
anyone see the bloody handprint next to the door in the first pic. Fucking evil American haulocaust undead ninja marines killing babies quagmire!
KnightMare said:
didnt know they had water in iraq
Nothern Iraq has reasonable precipitation during the winter and spring months. A few weeks before my rotation arrived, it had snowed in Kirkuk for the first time in 11 years, and the spring rains flooded much of the base. It was raining the night I arrived.
Data said:
Nothern Iraq has reasonable precipitation during the winter and spring months. A few weeks before my rotation arrived, it had snowed in Kirkuk for the first time in 11 years, and the spring rains flooded much of the base. It was raining the night I arrived.

you need to give me the 411 on iraq.. because theres a fairly good chance i might be rotated in this summer. My ROTC contract can't be signed by me until mid may, I have orders for AIT may 29th, and my unit gets rotated in July.. i get out of AIT in June. So what i'm hearing is there is a possibility that my ROTC contract can't be signed since I got orders for AIT, and it will be less than 60 days. Not that I care, I'd like to finish school in one go.. but shit I also want to goto iraq....
I also liked this picture:


Data said:
Nothern Iraq has reasonable precipitation during the winter and spring months. A few weeks before my rotation arrived, it had snowed in Kirkuk for the first time in 11 years, and the spring rains flooded much of the base. It was raining the night I arrived.
Are you home for good, or do you know if you're going to be sent back?
FireStorm! said:
how much $ is a tank like that
That's a Challenger 2. An Abrams costs the Army about 4 mil, so I'd imagine it's probably in that area (give or take half a million. And convert it to pounds.)
FS if it makes you feel better those are body bags full of Iraqi children on the front and sides of the tank. The guy on the bike is looking for his 4 year old. Its quite possible this tank commander saw the little bastard playing in the street with his buddies and decided to terminate him. He is stuck to the bottom of one of those treads.
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