In this thread you post stuff you want

I got that yesterday, there was no marinara on it. i think the bitch who made it was new and i was in a rush so i let it slide.

but anyway, i want a zombie army.
Arrested Develpment season 1-2
Six feet under seasons 1-4
Sopranos seasons 1-5
TPB seasons 1-4
24 seasons 1-4
Band of Brothers
Good speakers
new tower
new board
new cpu
new case
LCD monitor

Thats what I want in the next 6 months...Allof that shit
around here it gets me a 4,000 sq foot house with 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, an outside pool and patio with hot tub and a 3 car garage.
Animo said:
around here it gets me a 4,000 sq foot house with 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, an outside pool and patio with hot tub and a 3 car garage.

I could have a huge house for half a mil.
LEGZ said:
well if i was being realistic
new .40 caliber pistol
and a new place to live

that will probably happen before the year is up, still want the money though

Am I the only one who has detected this murder plot?
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Leonidas Tzu said:
Has anyone said World Peace yet?

Cause I don't want that.
yeah it was like post #4.
(Member I think)

Also, another subway worker? I agree, that sub sucks ass. People ask me about it and I always say, "Don't try it, it tastes like ass." It also means I never have to fill that extra cambro anymore, cause the chicken fingers just sit there.

However, just putting the chicken in the toaster oven makes some pretty delicious chicken fingers, with southwest sauce.
This is one of those threads where people post for the sake of posting and perhaps 7% of the people that post actually read anybody else's replies.

Only 0.5792% of the people that click on this thread will actually read the entire thread.
I am not among them.