I'm back, sluts!

I'm not bickering with Obibun. And I wasn't aware you were an alcoholic, or is this made-up TW shenanigans?
'alcoholic' is such an over-used perjorative anyway

some people are just really heavy drinkers

scoobz and i were heavy drinkers and then we quit

p different to alcoholism
What do they call having a newborn and you're wasting fucking time bickering at Obibun?

speaking as an experienced dad, there are times when you are holding/watching a sleeping kid where the internet on a smartphone comes in pretty handy as a quiet and discreet distraction
How bad does everyone feel now that our comments have taken shape? I feel p.bad.

hey Obi, are you studying under Dr. Erin Wilkinson at U of M?
I brought up my whole rant because I really don't care how long it takes Obibun or anyone else to get their bachelors completed...it's still a step above a large percentage of the population in the country (or Canada I'm assuming)

And I know nothing about Scooby's "alcoholism" or "heavy drinking" according to Al'Muktar, I guess I don't care either way.
Obibun is sort of like a down syndrome runner who wins a participation ribbon and then talks shit.

You can be proud of his accomplishments if you want.
I still can't believe that more than half of you dipshits actually believe this "in university for 9 years" thing

I mean I realize TW will believe just about anything, but that's just sad
I still can't believe that more than half of you dipshits actually believe this "in university for 9 years" thing

I mean I realize TW will believe just about anything, but that's just sad

Do I get credit for being skeptical of your bachelor's degree then?
I should get credit for that.