i'm a functional alcoholic

You're one of those limey bastards, yeah? Since limey drunk asshole is redundant you must have felt left out. Sorry I triggered you, mate. I'd tell you to lean on your fellow limey bastards for emotional support, but they ran you out of the country years ago and now you're stuck being an expat in the United Shit-truckirates. Pity.


Personally, I would have went with Mitch being the kind of guy that when he gets to complete sober, realizes what a shit life he has as a slave to brown people and their shit... drinks until blackout.

Hence the inability to comprehend someone drinking just for the taste.

But that is just me and your retort is perfectly acceptable.
British people don't fuck around when it comes to drinking

source: just about all my old friends, and my brother, are alcoholics or recovering

alcohol is such a shit drug :/
I see what you're saying.

There are two kinds of limeys: the few who are painfully self-aware/all lefty and afraid to do anything for fear of offending or whatever, and the majority who are dull-witted footy hooligans with a pint in one had and a fag in the other self-righteously shouting some bullshit at the top of their lungs.

Which is Mitch?

I can't believe he has an iota of self-awareness.
This thread make me like...

I rarely have a drink cuz "I need one" due to a shitty day or something unfortunate happening. I don't use it as a crutch to deal with shit which I think goes a long way in thinking I'm not an alcoholic.
i was smashin woodford reserve/knob creek from the bottle for like a month straight

then i just stopped

it was a fine bender but i dont plan on drinking again until nye
Badmofo was in the same boat to start and rolled even farther downhill. He was dealing with the death of his Mom who he was really close with and add that Qualcomm was sending him on 24 hour trips overseas so all he did was drink on a plane didn't help matters any. You have to internally want to do something, not expect external magic from pills, meetings, etc. You also have to replace your "drinking time" with something else that is more constructive.
As everyone else said, you are not functioning anything. You need to just stop and think of something else to do..(not drug related)
The first couple days after drinking I was EXTREMELY irritable. I was pissed, creating rollercoaster scenarios in my head with work, general anger issues, I was very much in a constant fight or flight mode.

I went 3 days without drinking, which is the longest I had gone in almost 2 years without drinking. It was previously 2 days.

Friday night I drove to see my parents and brother in Indiana, a 3 hour drive, and when I got there I had 1 cocktail and 2 1/3 full glasses of wine.

By Friday I had actually begun to feel better and stable. and then when I woke up the next morning I woke up extremely dehydrated and was wondering why I even did it.

Up until today, Wed. night, I haven't had anything else to drink and honestly it almost makes me ill to think about drinking it. My wife came home with some really good cherry wine from traverse city and I really want to have some of it but we said we'll have it in the next cpl nights and I'm not thinking about it or anything *itch*itch*. I've been in a couple situations where the people around me were cramming beers at a bar or when I was golfing with a friend but I honestly felt no desire for it.

The same thing happened when I smoked cigarettes. I chain smoked for 6 months then one day realized how crazy it was and how I was thinking about it all day and I was immediately turned off by it.

I DO still have an occasional cigarette and I'm sure I will have drinks on the weekend but right now I have the antabuse sitting and waiting at the pharmacy (shit is $50 wtf) and I have a couple sheets of paper with AA meeting #s if I want to go but I think that's far away from me now.

But I may also be totally in denial, I have no idea, but right now I'm not really craving alcohol.

I've heard once an alcoholic always an alcoholic but is it true?
Not true.

There is some AA alternative for drinkers who don't want to quit cold turkey, but just want to stop heavy drinking and drinking at a more normal pace.

Also, your brain and body is still use to the alcohol. Who knows if what you feel is due to withdrawals, damage you have already done to yourself, or simply not knowing how to cope with being sober?