ill never wear a condom again in my life

You don't want your woman going on and off bc because the hormonal changes affect what kind of men she prefers.
at the end of the day i just dont trust something that fucks with a bodily process that severely, esp the ones that reduce the period to once a year

I agreed until I read some research that convinced me that for most of our evolutionary history, 1 period a year would be much closer to normal for a woman.

Paraphrasing... but basically you reached sexual maturity a little later(less body fat). Made babies earlier and more often, breast fed longer, etc.

The average 16 year old today has had more periods by her age than someone from 3,000 years ago would have her whole life.
uh pretty sure they all say the increased reduction in risk of endo/colorectal/ovarian cancer and mixed results about breast/cervical

I'm not saying there aren't bad side effects just refuting ur original statement it causes cancer as vague n not totally true

jahoda is tw female issues expert
I lik this singl post stuf
i'm most likely patient zero for all permanent non-terminal viral illnesses
Well are you or aren't you? There's no "likely" about incubating a cesspool of disease. What's with the ambiguity about your own body?