If you're lined up at eb tonight for halo 2

Wow slant, congrats on being the biggest fucking moron of the day.

In other news I went to my EB after I got off work and there were probably 200 people waiting, and it didnt make a damn difference if I had a numbered flier or not so I just left, went home and played WoW for an hour or so and went back to no lines.
Halo single handedly saved the Xbox's launch. Would've been a dead system otherwise.
I was in the middle of a ~150ish person line in the 26 degree cold. Picked it up and played til about 3am, and was late for work.

I am comfortable with my priorities.
Slant you didnt have a reason that halo sucked. You are just part of the computer gaming halo sucks bandwagon. Jump the fuck off and dont knock it until you try it.

It is genuinely a good game. Go suck on Gordon's cock you elitist computer gaming faggot.
Rabid Poop said:
I'd never do anything as extreme as going to a midnight sale of a game, but I think making textures/skins etc. for a 5 year old game is even more nerdy than that.
The narrow mindedness of some people is just amazing.

If you don't have an understanding of 'why' I did it(and i've said it many times before), then you should bite your tongue.

I'll tell you anyway.You see, because of learning the things i've learned and using skinning as a means of something to help learn(ps, psp etc etc), I now live *very* comfortable.

I work from home, I have others working for me. I have soemone who wants to back me in a business. I have a fiance who could/wants to take care of me without ever having to work another day in my life(not my style though, i'm a worker). I have a 3 bedroom apartment in another country waiting for me, I can travel wherever and whenever I choose to, I was able to see my west & east coasters this year, I was able to buy these said people dinner on me, I was able to buy rounds of drinks, so tell me, what do you do? What did you get out of your Tribes nerdiness?

p.s. to correct you on your yrs, I havent skinned anything for tribes in 2+ years. So it was a 3yr old dead game and not a 5. So while you were wasting your life away playing a 4 then 5 year old game, I was Making my life and $bling$.

i'm sorry for you. :rofl:
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Toast.1 said:
Enter Sarcastic as, the fucking prick, stage left.
Toast, I was just replying to his sarcasm with my factual reality and what Tribes has brought me.

I'm not here to argue then let them, because I don't. If someone wants to call me out, then I have no problem(at least when I have time to pass) to let them know the truth.
Toast.1 said:
Slant you didnt have a reason that halo sucked. You are just part of the computer gaming halo sucks bandwagon. Jump the fuck off and dont knock it until you try it.

It is genuinely a good game. Go suck on Gordon's cock you elitist computer gaming faggot.

:lol: I'm not going to be buying HL2 either

I've played Halo. It sucked. It was like quake 3, but slower, with gay guns, a monstrosity of a controller, and a couple years too late.
Dude, there is so much money to be made in the Graphic Design field for people with no formal education and only experience modding PC games, LET ME TELL YOU!!!
Neutrino said:
Dude, there is so much money to be made in the Graphic Design field for people with no formal education and only experience modding PC games, LET ME TELL YOU!!!
There are plenty of mod makers who have been bought up by game creators. The people who made CS come to mind.
Neutrino said:
Dude, there is so much money to be made in the Graphic Design field for people with no formal education and only experience modding PC games, LET ME TELL YOU!!!

JodoFett said:
There are plenty of mod makers who have been bought up by game creators. The people who made CS come to mind.
I stand by you both 150% on this too. I however, chose a different path.

It's was like I stated 'narrowmindedness', can hurt/killl someones true talent.
There are just so many things out there that can all start from something as simple as a game like Tribes, or any other game.
Well, I commend you on your forward thinking then. You seem like a cool guy underneath the thuggery, so maybe I'll just stfu. ;)
Neutrino said:
Well, I commend you on your forward thinking then. You seem like a cool guy underneath the thuggery, so maybe I'll just stfu. ;)
:lol: thanks.

I seriously am not a thug(now at least). I can tell you one thing though, you carry your upbringing characteristics with you for the rest of your life no matter where you go and what you do. What it all boils down to is how well you can maintain yourself. I for one can admit that it hasn't been the easiest of things to accomplish, and on those few rare occassions when it has come out, it has alomst cost me dearly. (i had lost 3 accounts totalling roughly 13K, and managed to regain 2 of the 3 once I was out)

I know I still need to work on it in the many years to come, but I know I have the will be surpress it and keep it bottled up where it belongs.

I know a lot of POV's and opinions about me had changed from attending both the east & west UVA's. I'm just glad that people can see in person, for themselves, exactly what i'm about. Not a thug, just a normal guy enjoying what we all came to the event to enjoy, not to mention getting drunk as fuck!
