If you had two days in Montreal what would you do?

When I was there for work we went to a habs game. Luckily they are at home. Cool experience... Especially the insane Russian cab driver that brought us there.
eat smoked meat I guess since they wont shut up about it

this for day 1

indy rasslin show on day 2

get tribalwar gaming news heroes to next kahula and leave a "tribalwar gaming news misses your gaming news articles" card on her doorstep all nspectre creepo style

go 2 canadiens game if they r palaying the bruins or leafs and root for the road team :cool:
Probably go to six flags, then walk around long enough to brew up a good poop and take a dump in one of those cathedrals
ps edit: Is it true they have confessional gloryholes?
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