If you could bop one TWer on the nose without any repercussions who would you choose?

Who would you choose to bop?

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so far i could take on everyone that wants to pop me at the same time with one hand tied behind my back haha

Don’t lose sight of this: 20 years ago, staples were the major invention of our time. Now we have crypto, which is “stapled” together via the blockchain. The Staples Center name change isn’t the end of an era — it simply reflects America’s growth and innovation.
Don’t lose sight of this: 20 years ago, staples were the major invention of our time. Now we have crypto, which is “stapled” together via the blockchain. The Staples Center name change isn’t the end of an era — it simply reflects America’s growth and innovation.

i want some of that shit
It's kind of a dumb premise if I'm being honest.

Ask instead who I think should be locked up for the rest of his natural life and then you'll have a thread worth doing.

I'd give Havax a hug because he has been dealing with depression over the last few weeks and it's been painful to see.
No one, because that would imply that people here are actually getting to me in some way.

Also implying that people IRL are like they act on here, most probably are not.
There is no one on this board I would physically attack because of shit they say here.

I am one of the last remaining liberals in America. We are a dying breed. Totalitarian Jewish progressivism has taken over the liberal ideology. :(
him and his (((wife))) set up a gofundme because apparently his wife SUDDENLY had a medical condition that no one really knows about or understands that almost killed her, and then right after that, used the money they got from the gofundme to basically move out of the country to some touristy mexican paradise destination.

you need to stop running your mouth and take a break from tw

seriously shut the fuck up
the manic and malding hogfluffer is gonna make u shutup havax

tip jar must have been weak last night
i wouldnt hit anyone

But if we rephrase it to who would benefit most from being punched in the face and maybe become a better person, i imagine it would be mitch or cael