ZLEX.....heeb for ALEX


where you go?

Well sure I'll keep it brief. You spend all day every day posting here. You are clearly unemployed and alone. No job. No wife. No girlfriend. Rather than actually doing anything about your crappy life, you've opted instead to blame some external factor for your failures. So you spend all day railing about the Jews while clinging to the accomplishments of the group you belong to--look how amazing whites are--since you have no actual accomplishments of your own.

So having proven myself a master debator am I now free to leave the circle of jerks?

Here we go. I'd love to spin you up again Tele until you just go full-on 'paste random irrelevant shit from the internet' mode, but it's clear that you're a few marbles short of a full bag, and I can think of better ways to spend my last few days off. So I'll take a giant pass on our upcoming interaction. Really though, get some help--and try not to kill anyone and then yourself.

And honestly, when the next guys pulls up to order their burger, can you try not to be such an idiot and screw up the order. I'm telling you it'll be a straight shot to management from there. I know that bitch Ariel got promoted before you, even though she's still in middle-school--but it's totally because of that (((reason))) don't be too hard on yourself.

So many words but none on topics anyone is talking about........:rofl:

may the heeb be with you!!!

walk of shame is ok.....I will accept it

logroller has been doing it all his life
idk i think he's referring to making posts w/ complete sentences and multiple paragraphs and KKKapitalization of proper nouns and shit like that
I bet if you adopted all the dumb kids

gave them a better home

gave them a better life

they would all be just as smart as you are (or think you are)


The Inheritance of Education - Marginal REVOLUTION

wait, wait, the lie detectors have proven that is also a lie

that also didn't fix the problems

but thanks for playing

better luck next time

grab your prize on way out (dumber society that you created)

since someone saw fit to zombie bump this trash tread, here's an article that summarizes many of your thoughts, and provides references to papers that present unanswered challenges to those thoughts:

The unwelcome revival of ‘race science’ | News | The Guardian

have fun
Is Ivy Floor there?
How about Kim Floor?

Any Floors?

Then what are you standing on then hahahahaha....click