i miss when TW was full of mostly hardcore gamers

I used to like it when whiney little bitches didn't post why things were so much better way back when.
I was at that UVA. Alpine was a great guy, genuinely nice. He vanished from the forums though. Glare was also cool. He bummed around with us for an hour in the hotel lobby on the last day. I don't remember why we were killing time, but he joined us. :shrug:
I loved playing tribes, even though I was terrible at it.

granted I only started whoring TW when planettribes really dide
I usually read any thread from page 1 -> finish that is about any video game. The "hardcore" gamers we have now don't offer any insight or value because they just scream while they try to not joke on whatever cock they have stuck in their throat at the time... Same TW to me.
i think many hardcore gamers here are more hardcore now than before... ive done the standard life routine (wife/career/etc) and im more hardcore, less casual, toward gaming than ever... (note that doesnt automatically mean im good lol) :D

furthermore, its silly to associate maturity with gaming (unless you play really lame single player shit). competition is entertainment is competition :)

I agree, I have a good career, been married 15 years, have a pretty good social life (it's slowed down the older I get but I don't care) and have my share of responsibilities. I never game when I should be doing something else but I still love the competition of playing against other people online or playing some challenging single player.

In my mind, gaming is no different than anything else that entertains you. I think people feel the need to feel "grown up" and therefore discard gaming or whatever other pursuit they think is adolescent. I figure people should have fun however they like.
i think many hardcore gamers here are more hardcore now than before... ive done the standard life routine (wife/career/etc) and im more hardcore, less casual, toward gaming than ever... (note that doesnt automatically mean im good lol) :D

furthermore, its silly to associate maturity with gaming (unless you play really lame single player shit). competition is entertainment is competition :)

I make alot more money now than I did, work alot more and have more responsibilities. It wasn't uncommon for me to go work, get off, play for 10 hours straight, sleep a few hours, then do it all over again. No way I could do that now. Besides, I'll get fat if I play that much again, lol.

I fucking loved that game.
I haven't played a real game in like 2 years. The only console I own is a PS2 that I bought in 2003 :p
My problem is that I'm too competitive. Why delve into something if I can't be the absolute best at it? I learned long ago that being top tier in an online gaming community is a HUGE time investment.

I have a gf of ten months. I graduated college magna cum laude. I have a job with the government as a medical examiner. My social life usually occupies my weekends. I usually workout and run for a few hours after I get off work each day. I could probably game for a few hours on certain weeknights, but why try if I can't be competitive with anyone but shitty new players? I just can't work it into my schedule anymore.

I'll look fondly back at talking shit to people at 3 AM on a Wednesday in IRC, playing pub and pug games for eight hours straight, and playing in top ranked matches that actually made me so nervous that my arms would shake. It was a lot of fun, but until I'm an old man with a ton of spare time on my hands, that's all in the rear-view mirror for me.

The good ol' days

like it was yesterday :mecry: