I made contact with Rayn

ty 4 wyte trash cuckthred upd8 wyte trash effemcuck g0shin ty 4 takkn slaps cross ya fukkn teefz sooo fukkn much it help mun 2 masturb8 smdh lol :jester:
i have tried getting an estimate for years but no one wants to talk about it. I think Rayn Just wants someone to do all the work and he keeps the site. We would need someone semi retired with good IT and the ability to not power trip..

We almost NEED the owner to be behind the scenes but active enough to keep mods in check. its why i couldn't mod. I would ban like 5 of the most active spammy posters and ignore petitions to unban them. It would prolly be a full time job..

loooool d00 y b soundn lykka wahhhhhhh muh fukkn wyte trash pussy b hurtn 4rm eetn so much fukkn chit so pls ban peeps dat b makkn me luk lykka fukkn retardedass pussycuck dat i am smdh lol :jester:
Cost shouldn't be much more than $150 month.

I pay 75 bucks for hosting which give us about 100 gigs of disk and 1 tb of bandwidth for my legion forum and we have far more activity than here. We don't have domain name costs. There are always a few other things but it's not like you have to code the site from scratch.
rayn being an absentee leader aint a big deal

he still has mods that do their job

and when tw went down a couple times it came back up

so no real need to switch owners or anything
if TW goes bye bye, where am I going to get my lolz?

I check TW nearly everyday, for something to laugh at....and my daily news intake.
Rayn just confirmed that it costs about $100/mo to run TW, plus incidentals
not sure what those are but that's not a ton of money

what if we abandon TW post tables to posterity somehow (archive everything) and then restart on a brand new forum software that is 2019 updated
and then have you IT software nerds make new stuff so the forum has the same functionality as it does now?

or is all that bullshit work for a bullshit dead site and we should go to reddit and call it a day
Are there any popular forums out there which have the same layout as TW?
I really dislike reddit-style layouts.
i have no idea
im a go between
im literally retarded, and that is possibly why Rayn occasionally responds to me

ask everyone
so it's basically like I said

still alive, doesn't really give a fuck about this dump anymore
I don't have a problem taking over financial support of this site but I will require ownership of all domains associated with it. I'm not going to just pay someone else's Bill's for the fun of it.

Also there is the fact that I'm old as dirt to consider.