I haven't eaten at Taco Bell since that story

Didnt eat my sloppy joe cause it had bits of tomatoe and onion in it (what kid doesnt love sloppy joes?) Sat at that table for 2 hours, stubborn as fuck.

She relented. Now Im morbidly obese!
You have to pack the food with sugar to make it taste like candy. Then the kids will gobble it down. Don't forget the morphine!

Laurie and I were the same way starting out. I paid off the house mortgage in 3.5 years. At first I wanted to do it in 10 years, then I'd run the interest calculations and say I wanted to smash it sooner. It became an obsession. Not rich because of it but nice having no mortgage or car payments.

We used to scrimp on food. Now we splurge here and there, but still don't go out that often. At a restaurant I'll order steak, but back in the old days, it was a hamburger. I never ordered the expensive stuff.

I'm impressed you paid off a mortgage in 3.5 years. I'm aiming for 20 on my 30 year but depending where go financially I'd love to see it gone in 15

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The only option my kids get is what we eat. I'm not in to force feeding so if they don't want to eat it, the plate goes in the fridge and they will keep eating it for lunch/dinner until it is gone. If they finish the food we give them, they get a small treat.
Just had the Quad Steak Burrito today. If thats not meat then I don't know what is. Solid burrito. Not the best I ever had, but solid.
The only option my kids get is what we eat. I'm not in to force feeding so if they don't want to eat it, the plate goes in the fridge and they will keep eating it for lunch/dinner until it is gone. If they finish the food we give them, they get a small treat.

my wife was doing that 'finish your dinner and you'll get a treat' shit

i put the kibosh on that

all i need is a kid who thinks he deserves a reward for eating and shitting
I know I started eating healthier than my parents at one point. Not sure if I'm going to be looking at the "spoiled picky kids" issue from the same viewpoint.
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I've never eaten at taco bell,
haven't eaten in a fast food joint in two years.

And I buy my groceries from organic farms most of the time...
what do I win ?
I've never eaten at Taco Bell my entire life. Despite the fact that they now have it in Dubai, although only fairly recently. There are plenty of better places to get my food poisoning, or even decent tex-mex.
fast food actually seems like a waste of time

shop for groceries once a week and you eat for an entire week

go to taco bell once and you only eat once
grocery bill husband, wife, 4 kids: $120/wk
mcdonalds bill for same: $25 for lunch

"food desert" is a euphemism for lazy nigger
grocery bill husband, wife, 4 kids: $120/wk

that is highly dependent on where you live. $120 a week feeds my family of four, and that's without any real extras. and excluding any non-grocery items like cleaning products, dog food or non-baby food baby items. including anything from those three categories that we need on any given week, it's between $180-200...