I feel screwed by child support

Hey don't twist my words around Tony... I never said any bad comments about his kid that passed and don't wish that on anyone. I feel sorry for anyone that looses a child and I don't know how you go on after that happens and pray I never have to go through it.

you are talking shit to a guy who has been through way too much

you are a fucking bitch and i dont care how much back peddling you do now, we all saw your reactions and attitude. Get a fucking life
Although I have alot of problems with god at this point I do know that:


Thanks for the support teeedub. I never expected that.
Hey man, you have my condolences, and here is the best advice I can give you.

Call every local law SCHOOL. Every semester they take on FREE cases, the students do all the legwork and you get the professor as your lawyer. You essentially have 15 lawyers including one of the best in your city, for FREE.

Do it man, then go in person to meet them. Your case is textbook perfect. Seriously man.

Quoting myself so that I make sure you see this.
My brother went through a crazy divorce, the bitch late in their marriage got a job as a airline stewardess and decided to travel around and get plowed by every pilot in every major US hub. With a husband and 2 year old back home. Of course my brother filed for divorce, was a circus in the courtroom.

We found out it was going to be a female judge and at first thought the worst but the lawyer said not to worry. It was a slaughterhouse the judge at one point told the bitch "don't you dare fake cry in my courtroom." judge ordered psych exams, drug tests, witnesses to judge the bitches character.

The bitches own MOTHER was on my brother's side. We threw some money at the bitch and said go away, of course she wanted more.

The judge then decided that because the nature of her job and she basically was an unfit parent gave my brother full custody, they sold the town home and split the money, and she has to pay HIM child support garnished from her wages. It was a great victory for man kind. It took a long time and a lot of money but it was worth it.
My brother went through a crazy divorce, the bitch late in their marriage got a job as a airline stewardess and decided to travel around and get plowed by every pilot in every major US hub. With a husband and 2 year old back home. Of course my brother filed for divorce, was a circus in the courtroom.

We found out it was going to be a female judge and at first thought the worst but the lawyer said not to worry. It was a slaughterhouse the judge at one point told the bitch "don't you dare fake cry in my courtroom." judge ordered psych exams, drug tests, witnesses to judge the bitches character.

The bitches own MOTHER was on my brother's side. We threw some money at the bitch and said go away, of course she wanted more.

The judge then decided that because the nature of her job and she basically was an unfit parent gave my brother full custody, they sold the town home and split the money, and she has to pay HIM child support garnished from her wages. It was a great victory for man kind. It took a long time and a lot of money but it was worth it.

See this is the kind of story that just warms the heart
Basically the judge was sickened by the way she seemed not to care about her son's well being wile trying to cash in. The judge had children herself and was apparently very hard on "deadbeat" moms.

Although cases where the man wins out are pretty rare, they do happen.
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you are talking shit to a guy who has been through way too much

you are a fucking bitch and i dont care how much back peddling you do now, we all saw your reactions and attitude. Get a fucking life

1. I'm not back peddling so go suck a goats ass
2. How the hell did you see my reactions on the internet?
3. I have a life so go fuck yourself
4. Who doesn't talk shit on this forum
5. Go fuck yourself :hurry:
if your response to 'get a life' is 'i have a life'

you are better off not posting, granny


