I feel screwed by child support


Veteran X
I just had a "modification Hearing" finally, because my 7 year old son died in August. (7 months ago) They took him off of child support but left my monthly payment the same at $550 a month. WTF????

My wife has a "public paid" lawyer and I cant afford one after being off of work for 3+ months with an injury to my finger. Btw, I only have one child left on the support.
so your 7 year old son dies and then you get bit by a brown recluse and have your entire hand turn into a supreme pizza

if i were in your shoes, I would've ctrl+k'd a long time ago
I just had a "modification Hearing" finally, because my 7 year old son died in August. (7 months ago) They took him off of child support but left my monthly payment the same at $550 a month. WTF????

My wife has a "public paid" lawyer and I cant afford one after being off of work for 3+ months with an injury to my finger. Btw, I only have one child left on the support.

Sorry to hear that man :(

No appeal process?
Im sorry for your loss, that must be terrible.. What state are you in? I know here in Wash. men get royally screwed in those cases. Good luck.
man thats shitty to hear. You should still try to hit up some lawyers and see if they'd be nice enough to help you out... hopefully someone will
Sorry to hear that man :(

No appeal process?

I am trying to work thru that. We have not divorced yet and the offer on the table to me is: She gets the house and all contents and 1/2 of my 401k. I have been trying to wait it out but i really need the money so I might have to settle with the cunt. We were married for 15 years and the last 7 I was the only one working.