[Huge failure] Open Call 3 [Why?]

darkpiece it is good to kno you measure social standing by how many people like you in tribe talk you faggot

maybe you swordfish and anubis can have a lan party im sure it would make a loser like you real happy
No way to deliver the content to such a decentralized community? Did they just suck? Is it as simple as the community just not being able to absorb new content? All three? Something I haven't considered?

Just curious, as we put a lot of time and energy into the project and seems to have all been a waste (not complaining, just stating the facts).

you know its funny, I've downloaded the opencall 3 map pack but I've yet to install it. :huh:

edit: interestingly enough though, I think that the textures you used where absolutely amazing. How about retextured versions of the open call series and LT maps?
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sounds like pumpkin king is mad cuz hes having trouble doing good in the pubs these days. that post read like mien kompf but for t1 players. i wonder if he consider himself one of these "truly superior" players.

Sorry if my post hurt your feelings Dare, I know how long it took you to get good at the game.

It was not my intention to offend or insult, just trying to answer the man's question honestly.

The main reason that people reject new maps is because they can't really ski and would rather just have an easy win.

No offense to anyone that falls into this category.
pumpkin fag how long did it take me 2 get good??

i came to play base a long time ago and within my first week i getting picked in pus and on decent teams

before that i good in other video game

do not hate me because u rage in pub

i am king
sounds like pumpkin king is mad cuz hes having trouble doing good in the pubs these days. that post read like mien kompf but for t1 players. i wonder if he consider himself one of these "truly superior" players.

as 4 fishstix this dood has millions and millions of dollars.
has he donated even a couple thousand for a game server?
y hasn't he commissioned a half decent youtuber or video maker to make a video that explains the game in e-sports terms and then ensure it gets circulated (esports cyber athletes)
if he wants fresh blood into the game y hasn't he put up some advertisements for the free download of tribe on some high traffic forums or websites.
y hasnt this dood paid a coder like nofix to make an anti cheat (we were all discussing it).
y hasnt he used some of his e-sports cyber athlete pro gaming contacts to attempt to get high rez to make the t1 source open source or to buy it outright and get the right people working on it again.
y hasnt he done xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx.

if i was inheriting an insane amount of money like ben goldhaber i wouldnt being blaming the tribalwar community which accounts for very little of the total tribe player fan base over the years for the game's death.

in the end fishstix has been a nooby and a cry baby from day 1 of playing tribe. and outside of his core group of friends had little impact. but at least he played t1 comp.

if i had that much money and still loved t1 as much as i do i would just get shit done. when this guy says it is nofix dare and opsayo's fault that the community is ruined i laff he clearly has not ever listened to the song if i had a million dollars and he clearly is little bitch.

spoiled brat faggot that he is running his e-sports company going to game conventions all year round and proffessionaly shoutcasting (lol) has the gall to say ppl have ruined a game that is still being argued about and played for 13 years and running

that is foolish and i am happy and thankful tw and tribe still around

if i had ben goldhaber money i wuld definitely make this place more populated and probably better all around

fuck u fishstix ur a nooby irl and in game


u mad?
...but seriously, I wasn't fucking kidding.

Multiple times now I have gone quite far in the planning stages of a real cyber esport athlete event in Tribes 1 with cash prizes, shoutcasting, etc. Then I come here and see this fucking sesspool. Then I go try to pub and see you fuckers. Everything that has to do with people actually playing Tribes leads back to the self-destructive core of retards that are by far the loudest.

There are still good people in the remaining Tribes 1 community, but if the vocal minority is fucking retarded to a point, it is enough to drive away the normal people who just want to enjoy the game.

So fuck you and your troll bullshit, Dare. I've had enough. I'll maybe see those of you that matter again when/if there is something worth competing for in Tribes.

and lol, that pic isnt of me, u even suk at nexting u fucking newb :(
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u r a whiny baby

ur dad is worth a billion dollars possibly a few billion idk and u go around say u love tribe and esport but really do nothing for it

u just sit and cry instead of palying the game on a team or being active

it is classic noob loser mentality

y am i lose? cheats

y is game dead? assholes

i plan this whole cyber athlete tourney and it get ruined wah wah wah

u were bad @ tribe and r a waste of life stop stealing my oxygen you will get in a car crash tomorrow prolly and die and i will laugh gg
Comission a talented model maker and skinner to make improved everything. Then replace all the base and model objects with new improved ones in all the classic maps that dont have as many tiles. Improve is a word used often in the rant.

Then sit back and go down in history as THE best thing to happen to tribes since Tribes 1.
i am so good @ tribes

i have the mental knowledge to master every aspect of base and lt positions

and i have the game ability and talent to perform at the highest level in all settings

i wonder what it is like not to be gifted like me